Interesting answers on a credit report - advice please!

I’ve shown my property to a man who is very nice and interested but I have questions about his credit report.
He did have a CCJ which was from a property he had moved out of but his partner was still there. He said it does not apply to him and has asked for it to be removed which it will be.
He is not on an electoral role because he moved in with a new partner. That’s a bit odd for someone in their 50s not to be on an electoral role isn’t it?
He also put his workshop as his ‘residential’ reference.
I tried googling his self-employed business and didn’t find anything despite fairly sums going into his current bank account, as per his credit check.
But he has past experience as a builder I can see and his brother is happy to act as a guarantor.
As I write this I can see all the red flags and can already guess your replies!
Thank you for any thoughts, I’ve not done this myself before so maybe in future should stick with an agent. It’s harder than I expected…

CCJ his or not . not on electoral role . No accounts as a builder workshop as residence ??? well I do not live in my warehouse. Leave it


Thank you, I appreciate your response. You are right of course, that’s all dodgy. I will let them go

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Did you really need to ask? Smells rotten because it is.

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