Is it possible to give notice very soon into the tenancy?

Hi, I have just rented out my flat to this tenant, who immediately started to create serious problems, including not paying some of the bills directly to me as agreed. The contract is for 6 months (from 9th of May to 9th of November). Can I give the 2 months notice now?

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You cant serve a valid s21 notice until after the first 4 months. If the tenant gets to 2 months rent arrears, you can serve a s8 ground 8 notice, but that doesnt include other bills. If you have a contract that includes paying you money for bills, you can also sue the tenant using MCOL. It sounds like you are going to need help with all this. I would suggest you contact a specialist eviction company. Did you do any referencing on this tenant?

Thank you so much, David, sound advice.
Thank you for mentioning MCOL, I did not know about this.
Yes, I did basic referencing via Openrent, it was ok, previous landlord only said that no money was outstanding, but you never know what has happened before the tenant left.
The 4 months thing is really disappointing, as the contract is only 6 months, so I had hoped that with short tenancies it’d be shorter - obviously not.
For now, I have just sent the tenant a letter, suggesting she leaves in 8 weeks in amicable way (so then she’ll be the one to end the contract earlier, as the tenant can do that … I think). Let’s see what she answers, but it may be I need to go to the end of the 6 months contract :frowning:

You should know that your letter is legally unenforceable and from the sound of this tenant, unlikely to get results. Neither will their tenancy end after 6 months. It will just become rolling periodic. I suggest you contact that specialist soon.

Oh dear. thank you for your advice. But if I double up her rent after 6 months, she’ll choose to leave. I hope.

She can challenge a rent increase at the tribunal, but if its still at market rent or below, she wont win.

Uhmmm, she has not replied my letter asking her to move out amicably in 8 weeks, has not paid all the bills yet as asked, so I guess I need to find legal advise to evict. Are you a solicitor by any chance? Looking for one :frowning:

No, Im not. Contact an eviction company or a housing solicitor. Not a regular high street firm.


  1. If this tenant has bills to pay why is it your concern. The companies she owes will chase her directly.
  2. You can ask her to leave at any time if things aren’t working out, as if she goes voluntarily, i.e. by agreement verbally or otherwise then that’s fine. You have to give her the appropriate notice if evicting her. She has to give you a months notice but you can agree otherwise between you.
    In these circumstances its best to meet face to face if you can to discuss. A letter is done really to establish an evidence trail that things have been done correctly. However if the referencing worked out then she can afford the rent and something else is happening.

Wrong, she’ll just not pay the rent at all.

Thank you Chris. The bills needs to be paid directly to me, they are in my name. But still, even if these were in the tenants name, I would not want a company to put my address on their black books, cut the supply and then do not make a contract on that address anymore.