Kitchen door damage

We’ve been renting out a flat for 6 years now, we were told when we bought that it was refurbished a couple of years before this (new kitchen/ bathroom). Latest tenants have been fine, we were due to inspect in June but they gave notice, and are moving out tomorrow. We are thinking of selling so took a couple of estate agents there 2 weeks ago. The kitchen was filthy, but hopefully that will be cleaned. The problem is that one of a pair of kitchen doors under the sink is very badly damaged. The tenant who was there said they had had a problem with humidity, we think that a mini dishwasher they had on the worktop has leaked and run down the door. I’ve looked everywhere online but can’t find a replacement ( the front has a slightly convex profile). It’s too damaged to paint. We’ve been excellent landlords, responded to issues within 24 hours, even replaced the smoke alarm fire with one that one tenant ( a chef) recommended. I’m so annoyed by this, they could have prevented it and now we are faced with replacing all the kitchen cabinet doors at a minimum. And of course the hinge holes in the cheapest replacement doors we have found are in a different place, so more hassle. I doubt that the TDS will allow us to claim for all new doors, but what is it reasonable to claim? Thanks.

Go for sum of all the doors and explain why. . To redrill carefully for a different hinge position is not too difficult . I have done this on a few jobs

How long have they lived there? Do you have inventory showing condition of doors before they moved in?

I suspect deposit arbitration will not allow you to claim full cost of all doors. Likewise, as the kitchen is 8 years old, that might be considered very close to its anticipated lifespan anyway.

But what you agree with the tenant (without dispute) is between the two of you. So try & negotiate & agree

Thanks Colin, however you are an experienced craftsmen. Both my husband and I are decent DIYers but neither are us are confident about doing this. Getting someone in to do it would take months here.

Thanks. My existing IKEA kitchen is 15 years old, gloss white slab, still in excellent condition. I wouldn’t expect to replace a kitchen after 10 years.

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