Landlord agreed to fixed term but not providing contract

My tenancy agreement ended on 23rd of August. The tenancy was switched automatically to a rollling tenancy agreement.
I requested a fixed term tenancy agreement. On the 18th of September the letting company agent emailed me stating the landlord was happy for another fixed term.
I received a text message on 3rd of October at 11am from the letting company agent stating she was going to send over the contract which will start in October, and that the landlord is happy to keep it at the same level of rent.
I received an email at 11.19am with the message ‘congratulations your tenancy has been renewed’ and the PropertyFile account shows the tenancy as renewed and the tenancy period shows as Oct 26th 2023 - Oct 25th 2024. At 11.31am I received the contract via email. At 12.54 I received an email stating the document was voided.

I was not given any notice as to the revocation of the contract or any communication regarding the withdawal. I emailed the letting agent at 2.56pm informing her I tried to click on the link to sign the contract but the link was broken. I received a response from her at 3.13pm informing me that she will get back to me regarding the renewal of the contract.

I called today to ask why the contract was voided, however the letting agent stated the landlord has stopped the contract going forward and will be in touch.

I would like to know if there is an agreement for a fixed term tenancy based on the emails and text messages even though nothing has been signed.

How long would the new contract be for? You could argue there is a contract in place as you rely on the reasonable belief the agent is acting for the landlord. But as you have no lost anything (e.g. no change in rent; no request to leave) then you haven’t actually lost anything.

Suggest you keep the copies of the emails and see what the LL comes back with. If not acceptable, then you’d have to go to court to get them to clarify the contract issue. But it depends on what’s offered next.

It was to be a fixed 1 year term. The dates that are still showing on property file are 26th October 2023 - 25th October 2024.
Would this not account for something?

I dont think the landlord can now renege on the new contract as the agent speaks for him legally and has given you the dates.

You already got the contract by email, so I’d think it is a done deal? Or would you have been expected to sign and send it back or something?
I don’t think the propertyfile account is worth very much here but the contract is.

They sent it me but when I went on to sign in it was voided. The link was broken. There’s no longer a contract there.

This is a case of agent looking for money as a new extended contract probably one month rent worth. However the landlord would be expected to pay for this. He probably flipped insisting its a rolling contract now. Agent will say just say contract sent in error.

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