Landlord property management app

Can anyone recommend an app or cloud tool to allow for all aspects of managing a small portfolio? Don’t want to be paying the earth, something established ideally.

Spreadsheets and filing is becoming tiresome, cloud is where it’s at!

Arula have free management tools for 1-3 properties and then £1 pm for any additional properties up to 50.
I’ve not used it but information on their website.

@Mr_T suggestion Is probably the cheapest you can get. I use landlord vision myself. I have 4 properties. Currently paying close to £6 per month. It will got up at some point.

Hey, have checked out the site, I think what they classed as “free” is only free for a short period of time. I don’t think they have made their fees clear enough.

Before you sign up, ensure you understand their fee structure.

You get up to 6months free. Nothing is mentioned about fee changes after then.

See the link below