Landlord served notice

The Manchester area. Bolton preferably however I work near Chorley so anywhere around Bolton/Salford/Chorley/Blackburn

you never know a LL may have a place in those areas

Thanks , Iā€™ve been looking on here and as you obviously know there are multiple applicants for one property.
I will keep looking daily.

my places are in Liverpool . I Know how difficult it can be . Advice like Shelters and the LA who say the same privately, although not the advice of the Gov ombudsman, helps to make landlords think "I am getting out of this "

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Totally agree Colin. Iā€™m glad that Iā€™ve been able to see through it all and been able to do my own research.
Letā€™s say for instance I did decide to follow Shelters terrible advice about staying put until LL takes court action (I wouldnā€™t anyway as morally this is wrong). From what Iā€™ve read they tell you not to vacate until the bailiffs come - adding thousands onto your bill. Zero chance of a reference and possibly a CCJ.
Youā€™d end up being housed at a homeless shelter for god knows how long, then to some council property if youā€™re ā€˜luckyā€™.

I donā€™t see how they are getting away with dishing out this advice! It makes no sense.

We thankfully have good jobs in the public sector, have some savings and have always paid rent on time and have amazing references from current and previous landlordsā€¦ we even completed minor jobs in our previous house (with landlords approval) to save him time and expense.

Working hard to get this CCJ satisfied (lots of overtime and cutting back of luxuries).
We have no guarantor however have been accepted for one of those guarantor servicesā€¦ however not sure how reliable these are from a LL perspective.

Iā€™m not surprised that LLā€™s are selling up, I take my hat off to you all.
How do you trust someone who says all the above when so many LL have had bad tenants.
There should be a ā€˜bad tenant listā€™ or something similar.

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Don t get us started on a bad tenants list The replies will be enormous !! Some councils have a bad landlords list tho ā€¦ Different rules for them. The reason why Shelter and LA tell tenants to stay till baliffs arrive is because of the shortage of properties and then the council will have to pay for their keep They want to put off that day for as long as possible. But this is one of the things that riles landlords, so they go on the defensive

It really isnā€™t fair. I donā€™t see why it takes LL several months to evict a non paying tenant or something who has damaged their property.
Fair enough if they have fallen on hard times and lost their job , but then the government should then step in and help with housing benefit immediatelyā€¦so the LL isnā€™t out of pocketā€¦ yes Iā€™m living in a dream world I know. They seem to forget that LLā€™s depend on the rent being paid on time to liveā€¦ Iā€™m sure most people think LLā€™s donā€™t need the money and are rich :joy:
My current LL uses the rent that we pay to pay his rent elsewhere as heā€™s moved for work. If I stop paying rent he still has his mortgage to pay plus his rent on his current rental.

Giving the tenants all of these rights and shafting the LL is really not doing tenants any favours in the long run.

Just my opinion but Iā€™m sure others share similar views.

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People dont tend to have rainy day funds either to get them out of the inevitable mess they will be in one day, people spending beyond their means and on the never never has become normal. (long before cost of living crisis).

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Ah yes that is true. Unfortunately I was one of those people years ago, however now ensure we have a decent savings pot. At the moment itā€™s a fine balance as I am working nearly 70hours a week to pay off my CCJ as fast as possible. If I used all my savings to pay this off , which I have thought really I should be doing as my savings technically are not mine if I owe money, then Iā€™d be penniless.

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