Hello, first time user on here however have read many of the discussions, thanks for a wonderful site.
I am in a bit of a pickle. Sorry in advance for the long post.
Currently live in private rented accommodation with my husband and son. We have been served notice as landlord wants his flat back. We live down south and originally from the north of England. We are looking to move back up north to be closer to family.
We have been looking for private rented houses however due to me having a CCJ landlords are unable to rent to us as the CCJ will invalidate their insurance.
We are also registered with the local council up north and have been registered for a few years, however as everyone knows there are huge waiting lists for council properties. When I bid on properties this week I was position 10-20.
My husband and I both work full time and have some savings, and I am working hard to settle the active CCJ however currently paying this back in instalments. I am under no illusion that having an active ccj will put most landlords off renting to us, especially given that there are lots of people expressing interest with no CCJs.
We have good references from current landlord, work references and some savings.
Unfortunately we cannot get a home owner guarantor however we have been accepted with a guarantor company who would be willing to be our guarantor, however Iâd imagine landlords may be wary of accepting this due to their terms and conditions.
Shelter have advised that even though we have been asked to leave that we should stay put until LL gets a court order. I donât feel comfortable with this as thisâll mean we wonât be able to get a reference from him, and morally I donât think itâs fair on him to have to go through the expense of this and stress, heâs a nice landlord and Iâd feel awful.
My parents back up north have said we can live with them temporarily, however they have a 2 bed house and we would have to sleep in the living room. Our son is autistic and would really struggle with the overcrowded issue however at least we wonât be on the streets.
I have contacted our local council up north who said because we have only been out of town for under a year they can help, and we can still bid for council or HA properties due to our local connection. I have also managed to transfer to a different site with work up north.
The other issue is our current tenancy, the landlord has a shared ownership mortgage with their local housing association and Iâm not certain however Iâm sure he cannot rent his property out legally. When we moved in he said if there are any problems with the property of the communal areas then to contact him and not the apartment management company.
We received a tenancy agreement however no other documents such as info and where our deposit is being held and right to rent info.
Now I donât want to make an issue of the above as we do want to return to our home town as soon as possible, and donât want to prolong staying down south, however if we leave before LL takes court action then the council will see us making ourselves intentionally homeless and wonât help us if we end up living at my parents and being overcrowded.
Thanks for reading this long post.