Tenant Served Notice to Leave - Hasn’t Paid Rent

I’m in Scotland and I’ve given my tenant Notice to Leave on anti-social behaviour grounds.

They haven’t paid their rent for Dec or Jan and due to leave next week.

Can anyone advise the process for getting the outstanding rent when they leave? I have a deposit but it will be used for repairs that need done.

There is a guarantor on the lease but it is the mother of the tenants ex partner (who is still on the lease), but id rather the tenant paid up.

Go after the guarantor. The path of least resistance. Going after them, might mean they put pressure on the tenant to pay up.


Your main objective here is to regain your property in the best possible state
Tread carefully until you get the keys back and they have left.
Be prepared to write off your lost rent.
Try and get a forwarding address. (Say in case you get an important letter for them)
Maybe suss out how strong the guarantor is.
Maybe a debt collector will have a go and chasing it for you
If you have an insured deposit maybe leave it three months before closing it off, proving damages can be a pain


Personally I’d have been onto the guarantor a day or two after the first payment was missed, if I hadn’t heard both a reasonable excuse and a proposed (near) date for payment.

Hi Everyone.
I had a couple of tenants in the flat. they sublet the flat with out my consent, the council found out , council made a visit to the property, all this was obvious that they were subletting the place. council send me a letter to do something about, I gave the tenants notice on a text message to vacate the property which they did, they left earlier then the contract ends, at the same time they have left the property in big ness and caused damages.

I do have insurance for the property.

how do I go about to sort out the mess?

do I get builders to quote me for the damages or will the insurance and inspect the house.

any advice will be helpful.

thank you in advance.

Wow! You were lucky that the tenants just left if you only sent them a text. Also lucky that the Council are not charging you a penalty for not having a licence and not inspecting frequently enough to know it was sub-let.

You could try suing the tenants for the damage but you probably won’t get far with it. Did you take a deposit?

Speak to your insurer. They will tell you the process to follow.

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