I used the most wellknown local letting agent in my area to find tenants in 2014. Tenants are fantastic but after a lot of mistakes, I am looking to stop using the letting agent using my own contract. Luckily the deposit is registered in my name already…
Will I have to pay the agent any renewal fees if I sign a new contract with the same tenants, even if they do not provide the contract?
I have always had to pay a small renewal fee in the past when signing a new term and the agent said that this was in the agreement made in 2014.
This is exactly what I am having! But from the tenant perspetive. I bet they charge both landlord and tenant for the same thing:face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Hi you can let the AST turn into a rolling tenancy which means it will be month by month on same terms has the original then you do not need sing a new contract so tenant will not to pay the agent also you do have pay agent that’s I do with mine but if the agent is collecting the rent then you might have to pay a small fee depending on terms of business
Hello Mr Moore, yes this is a good option for me bvut the agent is pressing a renewal on me now saying that I have agreed to it in our agreement in 2014.
I suppose I could just not sign and let it be month to month rolling. Wishing they would just go away at this point!
Unfortunately it seems to be quite common practise for letting agents to tie you into renewing with them while the tenants they find are in occupation. Reading through the terms and conditions before you sign up with a letting agent is crucial.