Mold spread caused by new condenser dryer by tenant and kept in hallway

The tenant is trying to blame me for mold spread to all 3 bedrooms and living room. She has bought a new condenser dryer and kept it in hallway. I was never informed that previous one provided by myself is not working. In 6 months of her tenancy I have provided with new washing machine, fridge and cooker. She is saying that daughter is getting chest infection and other 3 children are also getting affected. She is saying her BF can suggest regarding cavity building insulation. I did said that previous tenants lived for 7 years and didn’t reported mold issues. She found it hard to believe. I did send a builder as it was first mold on box room. The builder said there is lack of space between bed and wall. Now she is saying that only 2 bedrooms are getting used. I have suggested to buy new Samsung washer dryer. Hopefully, she should stop using condenser dryer. She agreed only after asking twice.
Now she wants builder to come in evening and on certain days when children are in house and blames me that I am doing quick fix. I have arranged for mold specialist to cime and prepare report. Her choice builder arrived at time of her choice at 4pm and at 6 pm I get message that he used bleach and now spores are in air. I checked the builder used Wickes foam spray and wiped with sponge. He asked her to open windows. I had provided all the certificates to council which paid one month rent and 4 weeks deposit. Can anyone guess what is going to happen?

You are being played by your tenant.
This is a ploy to get money out of you.
Stop pandering to her demands .
If something is broken repair it, and only after checking it yourself .
Do not buy new goods, if not necessary, and don’t buy expensive white goods.
Beko is cheaper or second hand
Condenser dryers don’t cause mould.
I have them in all the properties.
They are better than vented dryers
Water collects in a tray and you tip it in the sink.
It’s vented dryers that leak and have mould issues by increasing humidity
Get a specialist damp firm to assess the property and go with them if you don’t know what you are doing
Builders will say anything to make a fast buck
Don’t pander to her schedule
Do not do cavity wall insulation based on a friends say so
It can cause mould
Does your property have a cavity to insulate?

Older properties don’t have cavities
Some properties are not of standard construction and may not be suitable
Spores are invisible
How can she see them in the air she would need an electron microscope
People talk xxxx
Use antifungal agent not bleach
Astonish antifungsl spray is £1.50 in Morrisons

She’s trying for a no win no fee case
Call rentokil or Peter cox for a damp survey.
The other red flag is why did the council pay her rent ?
Is this a tenant they offloaded on you ?
If so belt up you are in for a bumpy ride….


Second the Beko brand. and leave the cavity alone.


She has 4 children, looks like Council helps with one month rent and deposit. She works part-time in a school. Astonishing bit is when I am trying to send builders for work she says I am full time from 7 to 3pm. She was on almost 2 weeks holiday with 4 children. After coming back from holidays, I was sent photos of mold sightings in all rooms. The condenser dryer brought by herself without reporting any breakdown to me, is kept in hallway. Hallway is not well ventilated.

That’s not offered to all tenants.
The council help the tenants they don’t want on their books.

I learnt the hard way. If the tenant does not have the money themselves don’t touch them.
I took a guy who was paid to leave ( they were and did demolish the housing ) so it was legit . I called the reference of the first landlord who sold the property to the developer and it was stellar.
His bank statement had a recurring cost which he fobbed off ( it was a two year council tax debt ) but I took him at his word as he came up with an excuse .
I had to evict for rent arrears and drug abuse in the end .


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