Moving from USA to UK

I have a potential tenant from the USA wanting to rent here in the UK as a teacher. He has been accepted for the job and due to start in a couple of months. He has tried to secure the deposit but OpenRent say he doesn’t have a UK address but he has a UK bank account.
Does anyone have any advise please.

What do you mean “tried to secure the deposit”. He pays the deposit by card, then OR will secure it.

I’m not aware they needed a UK address, but I think he needs a UK phone number to sign contracts etc.?

Thank you for your reply.

He says he has tried to pay the deposit but it’s not working it’s just sitting there. He does have a UK mobile.

I will see if I can get him to show me what he means.

Thank you again.

Another poster recently, said that when entering the credit card details, payers need to enter a UK postcode.

I suggest you contact Openrent direct to see if there are other ways of paying . eg BACS

Ok, thank you so much :slightly_smiling_face: really appreciate your help.

Ignore this post, I have managed to correct original post.

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