My tenants are ignoring me, the recent inspection highlighted some (at risk points). They are flat out refusing to answer any correspondence.
I’m issuing a Section 21 in September because I intend to sell the property. I know they won’t allow it to be marketed as with them in situ so I need them moved first.
A gas safety certificate is due to be done in October they will need to let the engineer in the property then. It’s a bit difficult to sort all this out if they refuse to answer.
What advice have you got for me ?
keep a record of all you do, put a letter re the gas inpection thru the letterbox ,witnessed by a friend. (not related)
No idea how they think this is ok. They only been in the house 8 months. They stopped me using WhatsApp (which I use with all my tenants). They said it was unprofessional
They only wanted contact via email.
I think I will print out my emails and hand post them.
Then issue the S21 via email, recorded delivery & hand delivered so they can’t say they didn’t receive it.
I need to check to see if I’m legally allowed to enter the property for the GSC to be done.
Thank you 
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I found this on Landlord Zone which may be helpful. A gas cert is a legal requirement.
If a tenant denies access for a legal requirement, such as a gas safety check or serious maintenance issue, there are ways to gain entrance. Firstly, explain to the tenant that you need access for legal reasons and this is for their protection as well.
If your tenant still denies access, you’ll need to get in touch with your local authority who will be able to serve an order on your tenant to allow access. Because of this potential scenario, it’s best to arrange and notify your tenant as early as possible when it comes to legal obligations.
Thank you, the council and HSE were very helpful and offered to step in.
They could see I was the one trying to ensure GSC etc.
All sorted now thank goodness