Need to discuss with open rent team member for query

Need to discuss with open rent team member for query

Hi @Vikas - You can outline your query here if you like, or if you want to contact us privately you can do so here (or via the help widget on every page on the site):


Hi Team

Thanks for your reply and understand the concern.

If I paid the deposit and advance after viewing the property for example September 2022 is moving date however I have some urgency and some uncertain situation in that case I am not moving and if I cancel the property before moving date shall I get the refund all amount or what is the process for refund amount.

Could you please clear me above query or call me on [phone number removed by admin].

Hi @Vikas - You can see more information about how a holding deposit is treated here:

And more generally about our process for tenants here:

I also don’t recommend posting your phone number publicly on the forum, so have removed that for you now.

I have booked photography for my property I want to rent out, how long does it take?

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