Nigerian scammers?

I have just listed my first property as a first time landlord. Within hours of listing I have had multiple enquiries from Nigerians asking to view when they are in the country or asking a friend to view. It feels like a scam but what is it?

there are some countries to be wary of. For scams , credit card fraud , cash machine cameras for your pin number,. A person not in the country? I do not think so, do not be drawn in


I once tried to scam a Nigerian who was trying to scam me. Tried to get him to deposit £50 in my PayPal account as I “needed” the money to be able to unlock my frozen bank account, or some other utter nonsense I thought of at the time.


I do like that one mark. I replied to one letter on my blog about similar stuck prince with no money, stuck in some government toppling in Nigeria (yes popular place lately) had to apologise though due to the twisting of my ankle whilst the chauffer was holding the door open for me outside the bank. I said it was a good thing he was there because I may have fallen, so no I didn’t get to the bank. I believe the term is a 49er?


I also had a woman contact me from Nigeria asking about my property for rent and she was in Nigeria at the time and was coming to the U.K the following week and I spoke to her on Webcam and the following week she arrived in the UK and came to visit my property and had a look around and didn’t like it and left and went and found somewhere else


Not all Nigerians are scammers and if you do your research you will understand the higher inflow of Nigeria students into the UK in the past year , most of us are coming into the UK without knowing anyone to accommodate us ,i guess that is the reason we try to secure an accommodation before coming…
But always do a bit more findings and if possible a video call and take few other security measures but not all Nigerians are scammers


Nigerians are coming into the UK legitimately in their numbers and they genuinely need accommodation. The situation is worse for those without friends and family to receive them and provide some form of temporary accommodation. Technology has made it easy to authenticate people. Let me add that some of the scam emails flying around could be from other countries not Nigeria.


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