Over 18’s on AST

My preferred tenant has a biological and two foster children, one of whom is 19 and at Uni. I’m told that all over 18’s as adults should be listed on the AST. Is that a requirement and why.?

Its only a requirement if you mortgage, insurance or lease says so. Otherwise you could choose to make them permitted occuiers if you wish.

Hi David, thank you for your response. Please excuse my inexperience but what is a “permitted occupier”, is that something that needs noting in the ast or is that just a general condition of the tenancy.?

You could name them as such in the AST if there is an appropriate box. Otherwise either give the permission verbally or if they are concerned through a side letter giving the parents authority for their children to live there for a period not exceeding the length of the tenancy.

You will need to do a right to rent check on anyone over 18 and do remember only to accept rent from named tenants.

Thank you for you help