Paid the holding deposit on OpenRent, but signed contract outside OpenRent. Can I get the holding deposit back?

Hello there, I paid the holding deposit for a property via OpenRent and then proceeded to the contract signing stage. However, the landlord and I agreed to sign a rental contract that they made themselves outside of OpenRent due to specific clauses they wanted to add.

The separate rental contract requires that I pay first month’s rent + the deposit tomorrow, however OpenRent still has the holding deposit which contributes to this amount. Is there a way to cancel the OpenRent process or do something else so that I get the holding deposit back and I can pay the landlord the full first month’s rent + deposit amount tomorrow directly to their bank account? Otherwise I would pay them the full amount minus the amount I gave to OpenRent.

Thank you for any help!

landlord can initiate return of deposit, discuss with them. (Openrent can but in first instance get LL to initiate). Sounds like they have started to use the rent now process but then changed mind. Best they return deposit.

In mean time just pay landlord the amount minus the holding deposit until it’s returned, then transfer directly to them.

Have you viewed property in person and spoke with landlord etc to make sure all legitimate?

Hey Mark, thank you for your reply. I will tell the landlord to initiate the return of deposit on their end.

Yes, I have viewed the property and talked to the landlord directly in-person.

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