Recommended approach for notifying a tenant about an upcoming rent increase after the fixed term of a tenancy agreement

What is the recommended approach for notifying a tenant about an upcoming rent increase after the fixed term of a tenancy agreement (AST provide by Openrent), considering that the agreement will continue as a monthly contractual periodic tenancy until terminated in accordance with the agreement? Would it be appropriate to reach out to the tenant three months before the end of the fixed term to inquire about their intention to stay and then inform them about the common practice of reviewing and potentially increasing the rent at the end of the fixed term, while assuring them that the increase is reasonable and in line with market rates?

I am in exactly the same position with a good tenant. I intend to have a discussion with them about it before increasing the rent. I think it is the best way. My tenant will be going away on holiday in a few weeks and they have kindly given me access to perform some long standing decorating and other minor maintenance tasks while they are away. This should help to soften the blow.

I don’t think its necessary to enquire whether they’re staying. In a contractual periodic tenancy, the periodic phase and the initial term and part of the same tenancy, so I think you just notify the tenant that having reviewed the rent you intend to propose an increase of x% to £y.

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