Refrencing check for 4 People Rent is 2800


I am doing refrencing check but I am confused that there are 4 tenants all are from same household they have montly imcome of 110k.

For refrencing check If I mentioned rent is 2800 so affordibility showing failed but If I mentioend 700 of each so affordibilty showing passed.

Please advise how can do refrencing check.

The referencing tells you the maximum each individual can afford. It is then added together and the figure compared against the monthly rent.

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I have referenced a couple tenents with combined monthly income of 4800. The reference came back failed affordability because only one of the couple’s income of 32000 was accounted for. I have asked Open Rent whether they have the other parties’ name on the application so that she can be referenced as well. I did not receive reply to this. I dont know how Open Rent system accounts for a combined income. Open Rent usually only sends one person’s name to the LL so there’s no way of ordering the second person’s reference because LLs cannot see the name on the application. LLs and tenants feel frustrated about this.

Open Rent replied and said:

“…references ordered together will be completed in conjunction and any verified incomes will be combined against the total rental amount…”

My question is: how do you order references together ? because I haven’t seen this on the portal.

View the application on Openrent. On the screen where you ordered referencing, are both names listed? If just one listed, your applicant has applied on their own. You need to ask them to add the second person, so you can order referencing on themntwo