Rent increase offef twice in a month

But u more penalise my unfair behaviour then his.

No I would not increase twice in a month and I am not even sure if this is possible. There is a rent increase form that I use (Form 4). Have you received any written communication?

This is not a matter of choice between you or the other landlord. As you will be the tenant, your behaviour will be important for the landlords, not his. And this does not mean we agree with him. To be honest you are getting quite a fair and honest advice here. There is an agent between you and landlord and you said you have his phone number did you speak to him? A phone call can go along way you never know there could be another story from agent!

Nothing and I am waiting for call from agency that meant to be on Monday as agent have told me that would speak to Landlord. I am not going to call agent. It all makes to think that first offer was done by Landlord and junior agent instantly passed it to me via email. Then senior agency realised that could get some money on the side and emailed me another, higher offer.
If it was true and important to them that had to speak to Landlord on Monday they wouldn’t have forgotten about it.

You sound like a conspiracy theorist. Im going to wish you well and bow out of this one.

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