You have far too much faith in the referencing process. Its imperfect. It can at best give you an indication of whether the tenant can afford the property, but any landlord that learns something about their tenants lifestyle that indicates that they will struggle with the rent must take it into account or they are setting up the tenant to fail.
He/she will be a tenant who has been asked many questions by a landlord . I think I know why he/she has called himself /herselfGrumpy.
Having spoken to my solicitor today …
It is not illegal to look at bank statements . It’s due diligence.
never defaulted on a mortgage as I never had one on a rented out property
The tenant is NEVER risking as much as the landlord. The landlord is allowing the tenant to use a valuable asset. It belongs to the landlord not the renter,
Actually, I pay his council tax and he reimburses in labour. He’s not in debt and I’m not out of rent.
It’s a win win for both parties.
You are judgemental. We have hit a raw nerve . I have a chip I can post to you for your other shoulder.
I should be grateful if this post is removed. This is not appropriate language.
we get a lot of failed tenants who rant on, start to use bad langauge to try to make a case and then are wondering why they do not get any where. Looking in the mirror would help their case.
this always happens when a person rants on and no one agrees with them, I have found in life that a person starts to be abusive when they are losing their point of view. People will stop paying rent rather than go hungry and lose their belongings .Total opposite to a previous point of view by a non landlord.
If a person puts something on the internet then it is open to everyone, there is nothing intrusive about checking out what’s available for all to see. Great idea!
In reference to the bank statements, yes I provide when asked BUT I blot out anything that has no relation to renting, so they only see council tax, rent payment, wages, utility bills on my bank statements and have not had any problems as of late!
i understand why you would do so . SOME tenants would blot out cedit card payments standing orders. maintenace for a child , debt payments , car payments etc >To hide the fact that to pay the rent would be a struggle ,Such a person will not get one of my places
I don’t. The reason is I feel uncomfortable asking for something I would not provide myself. Would never give an individual copies of my account statements.
Income is verified through open banking so you know it’s accurate
Debts and ccj you see through the credit report.
Address is checked through the referencing.
That they paid their landlord on time you see through the reference (yes, the landlord can fake it, but that can be done with account statements too)
The only thing you see is whether they have lots of outgoings. I don’t think that outweighs the invasion of privacy.
But, I’ve also not had a bad tenant to date and might change my mind if/when that happens
as landlords we do not need to give bank statements, The tenant has to prove to us they can afford a place We are not the renters. A credit report does not mean they are not spending up to the hilt
I obviously did NOT mean that a landlord gives the tenant bank statements! I clearly meant that if I were in the tenants situation or any other similar situation I would not give my bank statements.
For example: I was due a repayment from PayPal recently which never came. When I contacted them to tell them the payment never came they asked me to send them my bank statements to prove I had not received it
Not sending them my bank statements.