I really think it’s disgusting that Landlords are asking tenants to provide bank statements especially during these times with all the fraud going on …It shouldn’t be allowed by open rent if anyone knows how to make a complaint to them about this could you please reply.
thats EXACTLY why a landlord may ask for bank statement, especially during these times with all the fraud going on, you do not need to supply an original and can blank out the account number in the first instance, But a landlord needs to check an applicant is not a liar.
I would never provide a bank statement to anyone who I wasn’t sure was a bona-fide landlord and who had the authority to let the property in question. I would also first ask them for a copy of their GDPR Privacy Notice telling me exactly how they will use, store and ultimately delete it. Bank statements are often a necessary means of establishing affordability for a landlord and a tenant who isn’t prepared to share copies of theirs, after the necessary safeguards, may find there are fewer properties available to them.
Well to be perfectly honest I don’t want them to see what is going in and out of my bank, it’s none of their business. What happened to good old job references or recent landlord references so I completely disagree with you.
thats is your perogotive to hide your ins and outs .Thus limiting your rental chances. Landlord references are not reliable. a landlord can lie in order to get rid of a bad tenant.
References usually are good enough, but in some cases they don’t tell the full story of whether someone can afford the property. I agree its intrusive. So are most of the questions a landlord asks a prospective tenant. Its what landlords have to do to protect themselves. As I said, if you don’t want to give the information, that’s your right, but be prepared to be turned down a lot.
the tenant can askany question about me except my earnings, as they want my property to rent, I am “loaning” my valuable property to them . They can ask my other tenants what I am like !!
well in one instance there was no reference from the landlord . He wanted 50 £ off each of the girls for a reference. I saw all the e mails between them , met up with them and I liked them. They have been good tenants.
no one HAS to show a bank statement they CAN refuse. Butt this may surprise you, I have never asked for a bank statement. Butt tenants have volunteered it . Butt if they did not have proof of income then not going to get anywhere. Butt thats life.