So right to rent check must be done in person?
I assume this can be done by a friend for me?
After checking in person, I still need to ask for a copy of tenants’ document by email?
Definitely should join NRLA or similar. You might get bad advice here inadvertently
I did join!
But haven’t called them enough yet; should start calling them and asking questions!
that is why you joined them
Hey is a friend or relative allowed to do this for you?
? It’s all done electronically, the tenant provides you with a share code and you check it on the website, max one minute of work required. Nothing “personal” involved. You should keep copy. But as landlord you have sole legal responsibility.
Thats only true for countries where the share code is required, although even then the landlord is supposed to see the tenant in person prior to letting the property to verify the image on the Home Office website.
No. The LL is supposed to physically see the person and check that they are who they say they are by viewing the ID the govt accepts as valid for this (which you can find online).
Advice which I have now given twice…
You can use the share code to check if the person has a right to rent BUT you MUST confirm your tenant is that the same as that person - usually that means meeting in person to to look at them and a passport and then take a photo of that passport.
If some one claims to be a person and gives your their share ID - but you have not checked the photo matches who they are and their id docs then you remain liable for a big fine if they turn out to have pretended to be someone else.
So always keep proof that you or your agent did it it.