They consulted no one, they could not be bothered. They are just bullies who would trash anything getting in their way sadly. I never met such idiots , they are in their 60s if not older also, for someone of this age to misbehave is truly sad for the communities. How is that to do with building control when someone simply tell you they are going to trash your private property permanently as they wish? It’s a very sad state of policing in the UK where anyone could get away with any crime. It’s a joke .
I’ve told you, go and brief a solicitor and tell them to get an interim injunction to stop the work. You just seem to sit there moaning and not taking the only course of action open to you.
Building contol is a way to try .If you do not do then get off this forum You are the one who said they had no Planning permission The council control most building work. This is not a police matter . Do you not get it?
You don’t get it. This has nothing to do with planning permission . Their building permission does not give them the permission to trash other people’s property. They simply are criminals who want to damage other’s property. All the pipe works in the building are arranged as it is. They are bullying me to move my pipes to my flat or they would cut off permanently. Why don’t you read about criminal act 1971 ? Threatening to damage or damage others’ property is criminal offence. But of course in the UK no such thing as criminal , it’s a joke . You could knife people on the street and get away free , you could vandalise others homes and police will do nothing .
Put up with it then I am a builder who has worked in flats houses and with the local council. Planning Permission is NOT Building Control. Go to a solicitor then. You are sounding as bad as the people you are complaining about. You have come here asking what to do . Suggestions are given ,but not what YOU want . Goodbye . From all of us I hope
There’s misunderstanding perhaps from the posts here. But no need to be aggressive and rude.
Are the pipes below the ceiling or inside the ceiling ??
SHe has been asked this question several times and refuses to answer. So I think we can assume they are actually in the ceiling of the flat below, in the void above the ceiling and below the floor of her flat. We see it often on this site that rather emotional people splurge forth their feelings but are rather short on providing facts.
the first post says below the floorboards and above downstairs ceiling .So it is in the joists area
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