Tenancy Starts 02 July 2023 - Cannot get a hold of Landlord to arrange keys handover on move in date

Hi Everyone.
My tenancy is due to start next Sunday, 02/07/2023 as per the signed tenancy agreement between the landlord and I. The first months rent has been paid and the deposit registered with myDeposit.

All that I require is the keys to be provided on the move in date above. However, I have been trying to contact the landlord since the start of June to find out how I will be provided with the keys and I have not received any response yet.

I have sent messages via OpenRent, as well as to their verified email address and phone number, no responses to date. The OpenRent support team have also sent messages to the landlord with no response.

If I don’t hear from the landlord this week and the tenancy commences next Sunday, what exactly are my options if I cannot access the property through no fault of my own?

Will I still be liable to pay rent for a property I have not been provided keys for?

All suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Do you have the landlords address? It should be on the tenancy agreement. If not, pay £3 to get it from the land registry and go around there to enquire.

I do have the landlords address on the tenancy agreement. I’m not sure if I can just pitch up to their premises though without prior arrangement. If they would just respond to my emails or OpenRent messages this could all be resolved so quickly.

As the moving date draws nearer, you may need to review that approach.

I definitely appreciate what you’re saying. I feel if I pitch up to their residence unannounced it may come across as harassment.

I’ll stick with OpenRent support messaging and emailing for now, will show traceability from my end when the inevitable happens on the start date of the tenancy.

It is ONE WEEK until you are meant to be moving in and you STILL don’t know when the keys will be handed over etc wake up and smell the coffee you have the landlords address you don’t need to be belligerent or aggressive just a simple “sorry to disturb you at home however am just wondering…” As long as you are polite am sure the landlord will understand at least then if there is an issue i.e LL not there etc you have a week to sort something rather than realise on the day like I said as long as you are polite there may be a perfectly good reason

go along there . He may be on hols, may have died , may not want you. Only one way to find out

Putting a note through asking for an urgent call is certainly not an issue, I would say you need to do this at the very least. I think you should actually knock. I would be speaking with neighbours if you don’t get anywhere to fish for info.

Thanks all for the advice.

Just out of interest. If I don’t manage to get hold of the landlord, either online or in person and the start date on the contract comes around, will the tenancy agreement still be valid if I am unable to take possession of the property due to no fault of my own i.e. not being provided with the keys?

@Daz @admins - Hi Guys, what is the general protocol to follow in this scenario from OpenRent’s perspective?

The landlord would be in breach of contract and you could sue them for your costs. If its all through Openrent then its less likely to be a scam, but you cant rule that out completely.

Ok thanks @David122 - it is all through OpenRent, the rent is also through the RentNow facility (not being paid directly to the landlord). Deposit is held in the landlords account via myDeposit. The landlord has also been successfully registered on OpenRent for the last 4 years and has had 4 previous adverts. The current tenant also spoke quite highly of the landlord during the viewing a few weeks ago.

I’m hoping this all sorts itself out during the next few days, just preparing for the worst case scenario so I know how to proceed.

Thanks everyone for your advice so far :+1:t4:

I would have no hesitation going around to see the landlord for the keys. You’re right to expect a timely response, if it falls through you need as much time as possible to find alternative dwelling.

If on the day you still haven’t got access then I would think you’re within your right to have your deposit and rent returned to you for the breach of contract.

I think you’re entitled to be present at the inventory and check-in if there is one, and on day 1 you should be served with your gas safety certificate, etc.

What? Still no sign of landlord?

If the existing tenants are still there, pop along and see what their leaving and hand the keys arrangements , are!

If the key situ is. Sorted

Make sure a landlord inventory is done, ( pref by an independent company) if not take photos of every wall, floor, door windows etc. check the heating works and take photos if all utitiliy meters.

Its okay some to say sue the LL but the reality is you probably wont for delayed access but you should at least have some payback of reduction elsewhere.

If it was me, as already stated I would call around the landlords and just say, as no info was given re the key handover could this be provided as you have many arrangements to sort prior moving in.

Make a note to that too in case no one is in so you can pop it thru the door, video yourself doing it.

The LL could be on holiday.

Has this been resolved ?

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