Tenant asking to leave 5 days after moving in

I’d like some advice… so I have a tenant who moved in on Saturday and she’s just messaged to say she actually paid a deposit somewhere else before moving into my property as she didn’t want social services to take her child so she just quickly had to get a place to “live” and therefore she wants to move out end of May? She’s obviously signed a contract which is for 6 months and it has a 4 month break clause. What do I say/do? Just accept and let her go or say she needs to give 2 months notice…

She’s wasted a lot of my time going and back and forth before moving in which could have been time getting another tenant and she never mentioned any of this! Very frustrating!!!

Yes, I suggest you let her go. Get her to sign a deed of surrender as she leaves.

I would want proof that she has paid a deposit for another tenancy. Ask for her deposit certificate and check it’s valid. I would also want her to continue paying rent until you’re able to find a suitable replacement. She clearly doesn’t want social services to have any idea of the housing game she’s playing so offering to keep shtum about that in return for her cooperation could give you some leverage. I’d be furious about this on a number of different levels so good luck…

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