Tenant blaming landlord for their own laziness and for being irresponsible


Check out the attached pictures. I moved out last month and the landlord won’t release my deposit so I am currently at claim stage with DPS even though I spend my own money on maintenance from time to time.

He wanted to increase by £150 a month and I said look at the state of the property. Got section 21 delivered and I moved out. I would not wish this on anymore. I have thrown clothes away and belongings affected by damp. The boiler was like 30 years old. Regular visitors in the house were snails and wood louse…I never missed a rent payment in the 4550 days of residing there…

The purple wall is wet by looks of it? When did you first discover issues and when did you first report it to landlord or agent?

The other mould looks like inadequate heating and ventilation issue.

First picture looks like cobwebs and dust.

Did the boiler work, did you have heating on sufficiently?


Why did you not do something about this when you lived there?


Exactly what Colin said! Why didnt you call in the local environmental health officer?


you have been there 13 years ?


hullo are you there?


This reeks of pass the buck


How is this Landlord issue as I have similar reported today. The Cloth drying rack was next to the radiator severe condensation with black spots which the tenant is trying to play as Damp issue in the property. Though there was a damp when I bought the property but fixed it via Kenwood who have said this is more condensation issue. When I asked tenant to open the window for circulation for 10-15min she said no I am not going to open the window as its winter and heating cost will go high . This will spoil my property as its Victorian property. I stayed for 10years and no damps in the property and previous tenant has no damp issue.

This is in whole dining area along the skirting.
Tenant is calming damp and not willing to ventilate the room and drying clothes but saying I am drying in dryer. This will make property rotten over the winter period.

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there is no doubt that drying wet washing with no ventilation in a room will cause mould problems


Property surveyor inspected the property once every two years. Said it was acceptable.
Note I never received a valid gas or electric safety inspection certificate from the landlord during my tenancy of over 12 years

I couldn’t use the lounge heater as the chimney was blocked and risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Property EPC had expired in 2020

What you think of the last picture?

I think it’s a build up over time. If it was stayed on top of and wiped down regularly and adequate heating it wouldn’t look like that.

Drying clothes in doors?


Got some double glazing in 2020. Took 10 years of complaining.
40 year old boiler was replaced the same year too but the cowboys he used, when they removed the water tank from the loft. Ripped the shower unit from the wall in the bathroom.

I never received any annual inspection certificate from the landlord in my 12 years for the property. Last November he changed he fuse box. The electrician advised that the house will need a rewire. He said ok and soon…the box started tripping randomly… Some days I didn’t have any sockets working

Is that acceptable?

why did you not complain to the Local Council ???


I agree, to a third party it will look under maintained . However if the tenant is not killing the spores at first instant it will get worst and it needs to be ventilated. i.e how my tenant is refusing to take advised of Kenwood and open ventilation for 2 weeks and will make massive difference. She is only sticking to her own mindset.


There was no point as the there was gaps in old windows and even front door… Snails and wood louse would get in.

He would change one window over to double glazed and gain the certificate for the records the installer told me.

They never came out

did you tell them about the problems?


And he wanted to £850 a month
…I laughed my tits off…

I said I rather bring Saddam Hussain back from Hades hell :joy::joy::joy:

I told them the issues
Completed the documents and photos.
Covid was to blame apparently

Not enough staff :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: