Tenant left rubbish in the garden and wheel bins

My friend’s tenant left 10 days ago. Deposit is not returned yet.
Tenant left an old bike at the back of the garden and ONE of the wheel bins is full of rubbish.

My friend who is the landlord asked the tenant to come back and take the old bike to the tip, but tenant did not come back to do it.

Landlord also asked the tenant to keep the bin with rubbish outside on the bin collection day, but tenant did not come back.

Is the landlord allowed arrange a removal person to remove the old bike and the rubbish from the wheel bin and claim the cost of removing from the tenant’s deposit?

He could deduct the cost to have it removed from the proposed returned deposit amount and see if the tenant agrees to it. (Via the deposit schemes website).

If the tenant doesn’t agree then the deposit scheme will decide.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to charge back what it costs to remove someone else’s rubbish.

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Thanks @Mark10, the bike is at the back of the garden behind the bush.

My friend (landlord) is worried if the tenant says, it was there right from the beginning, then it is hard for my friend to prove.

The inventory shows the pictures of the bush, but hard to judge from it whether something is hidden there, though the landlord knows it is kept by the tenant and the tenant verbally agreed it is theirs.

Just make the deduction and see if there is disagreement. It will be unlikely he will as he knows it was left by him.

Or leave it out for the scrap man, if there is one

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I mentioned the same to my friend, the landlord (leave it outside the rental property, may be some scrap collectors can collect it).

I’d charge to remove the bike, but the wheelie bin will be emptied on next collection day, so I doubt if I would charge for it. Tenant could argue it was filled on his ‘move out’ day & hence next collection day is under Landlords responsibility.

What if the bike was stolen is the LL liable

I had it when a tenant had left and
Moped was left because she didn’t have enough room in her hire van.
I had a solicitors letter saying it was my fault for not securing the property and moped .
It went in the bin but I had to go to small claims court and explain it wasn’t my fault and I won !

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