I wouldn’t accept him- never met a Tenant yet who is not the best, until you ask for ID and stuff. How many Landlords put a CCJ on rent debt? It’s one thing passing a reference but it doesn’t mean they are clean. I have got a similar case on the go and much as I would like the Tenant I am refusing
So… Anyone can summarise what to do?
Look into bank account and figure out what they are buying then if it is ok then let it to them?
all these replies . surely you can figure it out from what we have said?
well that’s what i figured out. what else you can do right? hiring a detective and a lie detector
This is the best advice I can give:
“If in doubt, don’t”
And I was an agent for 25 years
No way woujd I accept that! How do you know the little love story is actually true? So many people use and make up so many stories. As I stated on previous messaging, I know some young people that just were not passing referencing and so they Dr the bank statement because she is an expert in digital media. They will do absolutely anything
We always check affordability, not just income and bank statements can be telling.
We once had a family of three who sailed through referencing but on looking closely at their bank statements, things didn’t add up. The father and adult son both worked in the hospitality industry where meals were provided 6 days per week for the two of them, yet they were spending over £1k per month on food - fast food dining out, Co-op, local garage shops etc every day. None were over-weight but it made me wonder who was eating all of this food, none of which was ‘extravagant’ or even party-food.
We were suspicious and rejected them on the basis that their outgoings over the last 6 months would exceed income if paying our rent, which was higher than their current rent, but they objected strongly.
Bank statements can be telling, even if not the full story.
I’m firmly in the “no” camp, they have proven themselves as untrustworthy.
Why is this even a question?
STOP DO NOT GO PAST GO, or you are going to get your fingers seriously burnt, I’m sorry for being so blunt but looks like you are new to the rental market and if you let to these you have got to be seriously off your rocker. better an empty flat at this stage rather than an unpaid debt for thousands in 12 months time.
Sounds like a no no.
So assuming bank satement is legit do you think any group of people below may be a red flag?
- Older sister and younger brother
- A family with 2 kids
- 1 lady like luxury living
- some one in 40-50s kids already going to uni
- Foreign expats, got high pay.
Also in general, someone affordable but just about and offered the highest
someone got legit good job paid 100ks but prefer lower rent and might ask to do a bit more like furnish.
which one would you prefer?
Any of them may do, including foreign expats (I would prefer them). The crucial check point is bank statements. They will show you more than any other check - being responsible in financial commitments, positive bank balance at the end of the month (or overdraft), extravagant spending habits (huge bills on eating out, gambling or prostitutes, yes, we had that one), paying the rent at current place on time and in full, paying council tax and bills (we had more than one T who skipped that one and then did a moonflip, one is currently still in situ). Also, going through their social media can reveal a few things. This particular T that hasn’t paid her council tax for months keeps posting photos form vacations in foreign countries where she goes regularly.
If everything is fine, check their credit. Don’t touch anybody with County Court Judgements. And of course, references and payslips.
Lady with luxury living may prioritise her luxury to paying the rent. Also, bear in mind that families with children are harder and longer to evict if it comes to that. Middle-aged people sound good, but all depends on the checks.
I am always happy to consider tenants with difficult histories unless they conceal them or lie. It’s then a definite NO. No basis of trust to go forward with.
but how to deal with foreign expats who has no record in the UK? So I will either be wasting money on reference and get no insurance and purely on my judgement.
Also, if they run away they just disappear. Nothing to cling on in the UK to make them liable.
How do we deal with these?
The usual practice is to take 6-12 months’ worth of rent plus holding deposit to offset the no credit checks.
NO… this shouldn’t even be a question of acceptance
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