Tenant Refuse to provide bank statements

Happy to provide what suits them. At the end of the day it’s your choice there is a lot of experience warning you but you seem inclined to go with them from your responses. You’re new to the game everyone has to start somewhere and everyone has lessons to learn along the way let’s hope this isn’t your first lesson


Danny you are now making excusesfor them . Did you not have any other applicants?


The tenant has been dishonest and evasive. That is not a basis for putting him in control of your £x00,000 asset.


You asked for opinions and several experienced landlords all say no. What more do you want???


Imagine one month when all your rent gets lost on black….you can look back and say why didn’t I listen

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"paid rent on time kept tidy " his words ? or previous landlords?

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Yes because he knows the average landlord would see an overdraft and gambling as a problem, which it is.

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This is how it reads. Lack of applicants so is taking anything on offer

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So, had some work done today. first i called estate agent, and validated the landlord contact provided. they are genuine. then I called the landlord as well. they said they are very clean, and when landlord selling the house they prepare the staging for the landlord and paying rent spot on.

Jobwise got p60 and payslip provided and bank statement only showing income coming in and it matches.

So that is swaying me. because other tenant were either got 150k salary but got a month gap and demanding adding new furnitures. there are like 3 people put down deposit one offered higher, but they all have problems. things like self starter company, someone got partner who is studying, or someone who is honest but told you got ccj paid off etc…

As the ad is there for long there are new viewing request coming in and considering them, but grass always greener ay? might just end up the same…

Current landlord or agent reference holds little water, they will not give bad feedback for a poor tenant if they want shot.

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As a tenant and also having relatives who are landlords, it doesn’t matter how much money someone has coming in, it’s about how they manage it. As a family why would he want to keep his out goings private? The state of family finances today I’d say most families bank statements show nothing more than rent/mortgage payments, utility bills, shopping bills, and insurance etc I know someone who had their own business paying them an annual 6 figure salary unfortunately he had gambling issues that then lead to depression then on to alcoholism and lost everything within 12 months! So you have to get real here! So what if he’s getting married that’s not going to pay your rent so what if he feels shame about having lied about kids again that shame won’t pay your mortgage!!
It’s like Colin said if he wanted to buy his own home he wouldn’t be able to just show what he thinks is appropriate on a bank statement so why are you willing to ignore it? Because effectively this tenant is responsible for paying your mortgage so you need to know 100% what is other financial commitments he has as well as how he manages those finances.
As for other tenant with a satisfied CCJ I also have that and I’m actually on UC never missed a rent payment in almost the 4 years I’ve been here and I showed all my bank statements to my landlord I know that’s a given whenever you apply for a property. Another warning you seem to be ignoring if a landlord wants rid of a tenant they will tell you everything they know you want to here because the sooner they can offload that tenant the better for them and you’re just collateral damage. Definitely move on it’s screaming at you that he’s definitely not your tenant.


Well. Thanks everyone, that is a thorough topic. Looks like I do have to do another viewing then…

The preparation and viewing has taken so much of my time and affected work and things just running into each other.

Got some new potential tenant though… another music to my ears. A lady good salary broke up went to family home then planning to move into flat again in a 2 bed 70sqm by herself using second bedroom as a walk in wardrobe. salary is maxed out on the affordability. Anyone think this is likely to be legit (of course subject to references and my own due diligence) but does it have any red flags?

Simply not enough info about tenant yet to be able to tell anything.

A lie detector may be your best option….:grinning:


Well done, Julie. You have realisitc expectations about it. I would rent you my flat gladly ))) It’s never about “non-UK citizens” or people on benefits. It’s about human factor and every T is considered on individual basis. Landlords must become real arm-chair psychologists, too, LOL. Or start using lie detector, as Mark10 says.


I had to open my home my bank account my credit file which as I say has a CCJ (satisfied) and I just find people who behave like they will pick and choose what information they deem “necessary” is an absolute joke and then to expect to be selected as the perfect tenant is actually laughable! Why any landlord would take the risk with the most expensive item they will ever have on people like this is beyond me! I’m realistic and totally accept that a majority of benefit claimants are keeping rent money and not using it for rent which means I have to be as transparent as possible with any future landlord and it’s the least I can expect. But thank you for the vote of confidence in a world where I am seen as the least worthy lol

My wife works for a bank and is part of a team who analyses statements and you would be surprised at what tenants hide !
From dead people to sending money to terrorist groups !
Trust no one


Do not view yourself as the least worthy. All human being have good and bad points I have two long standings benefits claimants and both up to date with rents


I I’m not being self derogatory but I am realistic. People like me on benefits as a collective are very rarely even given the option to even view lol let alone given the opportunity to actually lay everything bare with 100% transparency to try and give as much reassurance as I can that I will never not pay my rent! As you know I am always defending landlords because people think that landlords are just greedy and should just give their investment for free or rent at loss even though they’ve purchased said investment costing hundreds of thousands of pounds!! Rent come first!! You can’t cook food on a park bench so that’s no excuse! There can be no excuse for not paying your rent and giving it top priority over everything else. End of!

understood >It would be better for claimants if the rent was paid direct to the landlords no if s no but s no tenant veto. Then many landlords would change their stance. But we cannot trust the goverment or Local Authorities they blatently LIE


Absolutely agree I mean why does the tenant need to be given the job of middle man with money solely ring fenced for rent? There is no reasoning for it!! I get their their (the government) main goal was to make benefit claimants manage their finances better but in a time when, and let’s be honest, there is a large proportion of benefit claimants that have chosen to live on benefits as an actual lifestyle so because of this they have no issue about not having a nice home or nice things they just want money and the more they get the more they will spend! Yet those who are on benefits because of no fault of their own like disabilities or redundancy and the like are being penalised because obviously it’s far too risky to rent to someone that is on benefits. The financial risk/loss is too great again all because of this pathetic reasoning to pay the tenants and not landlord’s. The worst thing is how they are unable to recognise it! I mean surely they must see it’s not a coincidence that the courts are backed up for months and months and it’s not due to Covid this has been going on long before that. So how scary is it to have a government who cannot recognise such a crisis? Makes you wonder what else is going unchecked until it’s too lat​:rage::rage:.