Tenants about to move out leaving rent arrears - how to get a forwarding address for future legal action?

My tenants have been late on their rent every month, uncommunicative and stopped paying altogether in the summer so through the agent we executed the break clause. They’re due to move out in 3 weeks. I expect them to scarper without paying the arrears and leave it in a bit of a mess (it was full of stuff, some wall damage, and had not been cleaned on my last visit). She’s a teacher and he’s a self-employed architect and they earn a very good income. I’ve started preparing for action through the small claims court, but I can’t do that until they move out, and I will need their new address which they won’t provide. Any tips on how to find their new address?

Follow the removal van


Colin - that might not be the worst suggestion!


You could engage an enquirey agent That will cost money. Pop a small tracker in /on the removal van/car Is case you get stuck at lights. Amazing what you can buy nowdays


Suzanne, you cant do much, you can get lived addresses after they have left only when their credit history starts at their new address usually after a month by putting their names and dob on the paid services. But these services soon ping on their emails that you have requested their info. Deposit protection agencies will get it as they would be smart enough to contact them and try to extract deposit money. However, the deposit protection agencies wont disclose it to you. Following Colin’s idea! may be a smart move. I suppose you can report them to the police if there are signs of vandalism. Writing to them is pointless.

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Thanks Shantala. The deposit is properly protected and it will be interesting to see if they try to extract it, esp as the anticipated repairs, decorating and cleaning costs are going to be twice the deposit amount. I’ve found out today that the tenant has registered his business at Companies House using my address (contravening the terms of the AST) so assume he will change the address for that in due course, so I may be able to follow that trail.


You have to wait a few months for them to get a settled address and to re-surface of social media etc. You then hire a tracing agent who will find them and provide the independent verification of address that you need for the MCOL claim. You have up to 6 years to sue so no rush.

I hope they really do go in 3 weeks or it could take you many months to evict them through the courts.


If she is a teacher do you know where she works?


It depends on what result you want.

I would arrange for a check out inspection in their presence, and note all the rent debt, remedial works costs, etc, and discuss with them how they propose to settle the debt account and get them to agree the release of their bond to you, in immediate part payment.

If they are uncooperative and walk away thumbing their noses at you, you should then be looking to obtain a CCJ against them, which you can do now, since they owe you rent. Or, if you would prefer, wait until they move out to prevent further antagonism causing ill feeling, and potential additional problems / damage, you can also then add in all the remedial costs to restore the property to its original condition, fair wear & tear accepted, on one claim. Make your claim against the bond at the same time, and reference this bond claim in your CC claim, giving all the relevant details of the bond and requesting the judge to order the bond be released to you.

Apply for a judgement via Money Claims Online using the tenancy address, whether they are still there or not. It is acceptable to use their last known address, so if they don’t advise you of their new address, then it is their failing if they do not receive notification, in the event they haven’t redirected mail, and after 2 weeks of no response, you are at liberty to request an automatic default judgement.

Once you have the judgement, you need to decide how you will recover the judgement sum. You will then need to find out where they are, assuming they haven’t told you, using a tracing agent (Grosvenor are quite good), their employers’ details, for a potential attachment of earnings, their bank details to attach their account, assuming they have money in there, or a warrant to seize their saleable assets to recover the debt.

Good luck.


Thanks so much Chris. I have an independent inventory clerk booked in. My solicitor has advised I wait for confirmation that they’ve moved out before launching the legal process to recover the rent arrears, as if they don’t move out I will need to also start possession proceedings which will include an action on the rent arrears. I also don’t want to be there in person as I suspect he’s an unpleasant character as the neighbours have complained about screaming arguments and they believe he’s punched holes in the wall in the lobby. I should be able to find out where she works, as she’s a teacher, and they both use LinkedIn. He’s self-employed and has used the flat as his registered office at Companies House (without my permission - breaching the tenancy terms). It’s all so unnecessary as they earn good money… but I won’t let them get away with it…


She’s moved schools since her reference but he actually told me the name of her new school when I was there in September for a maintenance visit. They’re both on LinkedIn too, but she hasn’t updated her profile yet…

If they don’t give you a forwarding address, phone the school and leave a message asking her to give her new address. It will make them realise you could become very embarrassing indeed.


I agree with your solicitor, better to make one case, than a few different ones.

Sounds like you’re on the ball with it, and they certainly sound deserving of everything they’ve got coming to them.

Go for the jugular, and enjoy, as it sounds like there may be a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Obviously depends on how much they owe you, but they only need a couple of half decent cars to cover a serious debt. It won’t hurt to embarrass them also with their employers by attaching earnings, if that’s your preferred option.

I once took an agent to court for serious mismanagement, got the judgement, sent the warrant officer round who threatened to take his nice car, he paid up on the spot. Very satisfying!


They are more likely to use post forwarding service. Buy a Samsung smarttag+ ( plus version only) or some Apple airtag. Then post it to their name to existing address once they left ( there should be a letter to your rental home stating posts are being forwarded - wait for it) and it will get forwarded to their address. Once your post delivered you can pin point their address. It will cost you £25 + postage :wink: You don’t need to state it is from you! And don’t forget to set up before sending!


I like that. It is a clever tip

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That is very clever!


Unfortunately, we have to be more inventive based on the fact that law is becoming more biased against landlords. Approx. 20 years ago my mum’s tenant left lots of stuff in the property with no address info either. We knew where they work, I emailed HR stating there will be a truck load of rubbish/furniture which belongs to tenant will be left infront of their company as my mum doesn’t have any address and we will use it as delivery address. I was not bluffing (arranged friend with a truck). They picked up everything next day!!!


you are my kind of landlord . Inovative


Tracing agents are very effective once the tenant re-settles, with the added bonus of independent vetification of their address.


Or… just write it off and be well rid
Chasing debts is costly time consuming and depressing and you maybe finish up getting a tenner a week till they move on again.
I haven’t had much luck chasing old debtors and judges tend to ignore damages

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