To sell or not to sell?

Hi, all LL.

With a very unfavourable anti-LL legislation changes promised by current party plus CGT expected to go up to 40-50% plus with Unions putting pressure I wonder if it’s time to sell. We talked to an estate agent, and she thinks that in a few years most of LL will be mainly big corporations (like in Germany) because it won’t be profitable for private LL anymore.

What are your thoughts? Is anybody selling/thinking of selling now? Am I right that with new legislation re CGT it will only come into force from the next tax year or it will have an immediate effect?

I believe max pain for both private LL and TT is coming. The fact that most of new builds (here in Bristol, at least) are “luxury” flats shows that there is no intention (or money) to solve housing shortage. Really wondering what to do.

They are the minuses. On the plus side, you always need diversification of your assets, bank interest is good now but could be down to 1-2% again in a year or two. I would maybe rebalance but not sell all property as I have had years where stocks and banks have returned next to nothing and only the property fed me.