5 weeks deposit max. šŸ˜”

I donā€™t believe it !


Appreciate what you are saying A A but if everything was down to pure numbers then people would be ruling the world and not dictators.

Just look at Israelis. They are a small country but they lobby USA effectively and no senator or president get in to power without having their support.

The Landlord are offering something that renters need. Canā€™t let the tail wag the dog.

Done properly by getting support from key players in the industry, being prepared to take bold decisions, challenging the renters bill and getting out there like the farmers have done is better than sitting on our hands and accepting what the government want to ram down our throats. It is very British. Need to be more like the French. :blush:

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Youā€™ll have my signature

Cheers buddy. Letā€™s start something :+1:

Blimey if you think just stop oil got negative press just wait till the landlords try it :rofl:

Iā€™m in, Iā€™m gonna wear a top hat for troll value.

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I was at a law conference given by David Smith a few weeks ago .
I put the question
ā€˜where is this legislation coming from, this anti landlord rhetoric ?ā€™
I asked what the percentage of bad landlords were etc etc( canā€™t remember the number he gave )
( another problem on government that was made clear during the COVID enquiry was that Westminster does not understand statistics or scientific process. The Iliad and the Odyssey donā€™t cut the mustard ā€¦)
In medicine you donā€™t start a new drug without rigorous testing in the lab and then studies that build up in size on human groups of differing demographics in a country and then multi centre studies etc etc
It seemed illogical to me that one changes legislation at the drop of a hat .
He quoted a percentage of bad cases
I donā€™t know where the statistic came from or if it has any statistical significance ( no p value provided!)
Neither I nor my tenants have participated in a study about their quality of accommodation or contentment or ( and tenants should be psychometrically evaluated before given information )
Apparently Shelter and the other charities have the ear of government .
Renters are a vote puller .
The legislation is based upon the few cases that end up on the lawyers desk .
I doesnā€™t reflect the wider picture and my impression is the problem is greater in social housing than it is in in the private sector .

The change is biased because itā€™s done without a true reflection of what is going on.

I have a tenant whose mother lives in social housing. She was astounded at how rules are followed in the private sector ( to the point we did have a difference of opinion) as we rewired a house in lockdown to be 18th edition compliant .
I think social housing works to a much lower standard. CEOs have to be paid fat cat salaries .
Iā€™m EPC C rated with no salary for over three years
Social housing would not make those sacrifices ( TBH they donā€™t charge the rents that we do either) . Like any utility company they pay themselves before dealing with infrastructure. They only do what they need to when the weight of the law comes down.

We are paying for the incompetence of fat cat salaried management
They holiday on yachtā€™s we just donā€™t holiday. ā€¦ā€¦

yes you did Digress - China is growing correct, the UK is not growing, but China is doing more than the UK in terms of implementing renewables at present. " China is a socialist market economy because capitalism pursues profits, while socialism pursues social betterment."

Can I genuinely ask the scenario that has happened how would it have been any different under a Conservative government?

Iā€™d take not growing over Chinaā€™s ā€œcorrectā€ growth anyday.

Are you there yet?

It wouldnā€™t
I donā€™t think it would have been rushed.
The reality is they want the banks to take over housing, like in Germany, but it doesnā€™t work.

It will cost big investors millions with mould and other legislation coming into play ( not being able to evict )
I think thatā€™s why the Bill has slowed down.
It has serious financial consequences for bankers and other investors that want to take over the market and push out the smaller landlord .
If they bring this legislation in there will be no mega bucks for the big investors as tenants will sue and demand repairs ASAP and they will also face the harsh reality of delayed eviction and no rent in the process

I think thatā€™s what they are mulling over.
Angela Rayner was spotted coveting these big wigs at a conference so letā€™s see what happens

I wrote a response yesterday but it appears Openrent are monitoring my posts and they have not authorised my post of 14 hours ago.

In my post I have attached a link which directs you to a survey done on landlords
If you want to have a look do a google search with this title
English Private Landlord Survey 2024: main report - GOV.UK

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Key points relevant to our discussion is that half the landlords use rental income as their pension.
27% of landlords live in London
Most landlords are over 55 years old which could make plans for a march to number 10 a challenge :blush:
20% of landlords had to evict tenants of these only one in ten took tenants to court and half of them were dissatisfied with the process that is 12000 thousand landlords not happy. This is the group that will probably be motivated to support an action.
How do I get to this figure, 2.4m landlords. 20% is 240000 and one in 10 is 24000 and half is 12000


Yup they can probably have those pesky Uyghurs on exercise bikes connected to the grid with their renowned methods of social betterment.


You canā€™t on the one hand criticise what propagandists have told you what is going on in Xinjiang and on the other hand willingly allow your taxes to continue to fund a genocide, and now mass famine in Palestine. What you are really talking about is the Belt and Road initiative - Xinjiang is the gateway - penny dropping now why so much propaganda against Uyghurs? I happen to know some Uyghursā€¦ one went to Australia and claimed Asylum due to persecution from Chinaā€¦ she was granted asylum for herself and her children, money, house, tuitionā€¦ guess what she lied - she just used the old Uyghur card to her advantage. Things are not always what they seem - dont fall so easily for West funded propaganda. But we detract from the fact that China is investing more in renewables than any country on the planet. My partner has one HMO which he put solar in - itā€™s EPC A only 3% in UK are EPC A and most are commercial not HMOā€™sā€¦ dont we all wish weā€™d done this - put in solar upon conversion to HMO? Instead we are enriching Utility company CEOā€™s raking in record profits. Probabaly more important to research solar & external wall insulation on your properties rather than bikes in a region of China you have never been to.


Iā€™ve been there. There were lots of bicycles.

Nothing on the nine million in Beijing though.

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Sheā€™s the gift that just keeps giving, isnā€™t she? Wonderful stuff.

ā€œWillingly allow our taxesā€? we have no control over how our taxes are spent and neither do you.