5 weeks deposit max. šŸ˜”

So this might be more of a rant than much else, but if anyone has any suggestions Iā€™d love to hear them.

Have a potential tenant with some credit issues in the past. They have a relative who is happy to act as guarantor, but having just sold his business and has not yet started his retirement income. But heā€™s sitting on lots of cash. Iā€™ve seen the docs and are happy with themā€¦ tbh they look much like my own finances, Iā€™m in a similar situationā€¦ itā€™s not in my interest to have lots of income right now. So he passes a credit check but not affordability. Accesible but not taken Retirement income, cash, Isaā€™s etc are not acceptable as proof.

So canā€™t get the tenancy rent insured. Which Iā€™m not happy to progress with as it seems a bit too stacked against the LL without it. That Ā£200 helps me sleep better.

Theyā€™re happy to put down 6 months up frontā€¦ which just really moves the problem to a later date.

If I could have 6 months as either a deposit or a rolling buffer (IE 6 months upfront and paying monthly 6 month ahead) with guarantor Iā€™d be a lot more likely to take a slight risk on it.

However, it appears that with both of us as willing parties to such an arrangement, government Says ā€˜no, thatā€™s illegal and your tenancy is now toilet paperā€™

Which is a bit annoying.

Anyone got a good (legal) way round it or is this one for the rejection pile?

Oh and thanks to the government for ā€˜helping make the system better and fairerā€™. :+1:


Itā€™ll only get worse. From 2025, you wont be able to take more than 1 months rent upfront, so that will mean more ā€˜riskyā€™ tenant, struggle to secure a tenancy.


If you are not happy with the risk today walk away
The government has put these kind of tenants on the fire heap as no one is going to risk it without a s21, backlogs in court over 12 months and a three month notice period

These are the tenants people tolerated but have now evicted due to upcoming legislation


I didnā€™t realise that. Tbh Iā€™m not into rent upfront anyway as that just moves the problem to a different date, though I understand why some would like it.

Itā€™s almost as if people in government have absolutely zero idea of what their well-meaning policies will actually do. A clown-show of bumbling imbeciles poking themselves in the eye with u-shaped party horns.

Hopefully theyā€™ll stop trying to help everyone after this.


Tbh, a guarantor is not the solution if he cant afford the property. What happens when you need to put the rent up or he has unexpected costs elsewhere? Does any landlord really want the hassle of having to sue someone just to get their rent?

They never started trying to help anyone in the first place ā€¦
They were always helping themselves!

Landlords have to be energy efficient but the PM goes in a private jet everywhere ā€¦ā€¦
Why is he solving problems abroad when heā€™s got problems on his own front door?ā€¦.

Itā€™s sanctimonious detritus


too right.

Guarantors are for when the unexpected happens to people who are building up a financial cushion, not for when the expected happens to people who never even start to build one.


Yeh I was being a little tongue in cheek.

Though I think many of them are actually oblivious to the unintended consequences of their actions. Iā€™m almost of the opinion we need to pay Mpā€™s a bit more to get a higher calibre. Tho maybe thatā€™s a bit drastic.

Oh well.

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I think they need to sit exams
You canā€™t go into any profession without qualifications ( law, medicine etc etc).
Why then do MPs with no qualifications ( apart from Angela Rayner who literally has CHAV as a post nominal ) have any authority to change the landscape ?
You wouldnā€™t prescribe any new drug without years of animal testing small studies large studies etc etc but these no brainers get elected to be gifted glasses, shoes and penthouse apartments (for their kids to revise in)etc etc but have no idea what they are doing

George Blunkets applied indefinite sentencing under his tenure
People have sat in prison for over a decade for a mobile phone theft

He just said I had no idea of the consequences
Iā€™m sorry

In Angela Rayners words ā€˜Westminster is full of dysfunctional people ā€˜
Itā€™s chaotic
Neurotypical donā€™t want to work in that environment. Only dysfunctional personalities thrive

Boris, Truss, Cummings blah blah blah :unamused:

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Mm, but then who sets the exams, socialist academics? Apparently David lammy has a rather good education, yet I think most of us would hesitate to trust him to run a lemonade stand. Those that think we can slap each other on the back by declaring net zero and then just sending our manufacturing jobs to china and let them pollute the same atmosphere instead. A job well done lads.

Thereā€™s plenty of them that seem to think socialism works. That everything needs constant micro-management and government guidance.

Maybe we just get the politicians we deserve.

Iā€™m a little jealous of the DOGE thing about to take off in the US. We need a reset of some type, or itā€™s managed decline forever.

Anyway I digress. :smile:. Yes Iā€™m looking for an alternate tenant. Who canā€™t afford to buy a house cos there politicians think importing hundreds of thousands of low skilled people every year is also a good idea.

Damn I did it again.

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Simple solution, never be tempted to ā€œhelpā€ anyone, do the opposite and always choose the person who can best afford it. The system will screw you otherwise.

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Iā€™ll set the exams!!!
Iā€™ve done enough of them
I wouldnā€™t trust any of them with a lemonade stand, especially not Reeves!!!
TBH anyone with an iota of common sense could pass
Having said that Westminster may be a little emptier than beforeā€¦

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The brains are empty as well

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If you did leave Lammy with a lemonade stand, by the time you got back heā€™d have given your stall away to the inhabitants of Tristan da Cuna and then call you a racist before youā€™d even questioned it.

Reeves on the other hand would have sold none of the now net zero, high sugar tax lemonade for Ā£39 a glass, and have started borrowing billions to stake Britainā€™s future on becoming a world leader in premium lemonade export.

Starmer would move the stand to the beaches of Dover to ensure the whole world gets itā€™s human right to a fair free share of your lemonade. Heā€™d extend the stand to include sun loungers and parasols at your expense and then demand his fee.

And then the rest of them would probably ban advertising it. Along with banning ice cubes and straws for good measure.

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You should start writing for Private Eyeā€¦ā€¦

You forgot to mention Angela whoā€™s priority would be a to hire vanity photographer to capture her lemonade stand because she needs to strike a balance between needing to let people know what sheā€™s doing and where she is ā€¦.
It would be called the sanctimonious lemonade stand

If the plebs wanted to remove the lemonade stand they would gather momentum of a petition to remove it but Starmer would not concede

They should all be psychometrically evaluated . Westminster seems to be a club of narcissists ( like most of the leaders we have presently and incoming ā€¦.)

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I think itā€™s time for us landlords to take action. The government is using us as Social Housing providers.
My daughterā€™s boyfriend has had a tenant who hasnā€™t paid rent since June 2024 saying he has no money. He has had eviction judgement against him and told to vacate the property on 9th of December. That is six months without rent and still hasnā€™t moved saying he has nowhere to go. The next step is to ask for the high court to arrange for the bailiffs to go round but even if the high court agrees with the eviction they canā€™t do anything until sixth of January. We donā€™t know when the bailiffs will be sent around and what happens if he is not at home or if he refuses to leave.
What kind of justice is this? I am a landlord myself and dependent on the rental income as I invested in properties rather than letting someone like Robert Maxwell ( owner of the mirror group for those old enough to remember) to steal my pension.
This is not the way it should work and I am putting a petition together to send to the housing minister as well as the Justice minister requesting that a decision to evict should not take longer than one month and to give certificate to Bailiffs identifying them as authorised bodies and allow landlords to use them privately once the court has served the eviction notice. There should be no more delays after the first eviction notice has been served.
If you agree with this then respond and if I have enough support I will let you know where to find the petition so that you sign it before I submit it.

I think you have a noble idea
Unfortunately landlords, once respected, are now vilified.

This government wonā€™t listen
Angela Rayner was a social housing tenant
She and her colleagues has a blood lust for landlords and no regard for reality

Worst of all it was the Conservatives who started the ball rolling so we have neither party on our side anymore

I was at a course recently
Ben beadle has tried really hard but the n r l a are not investing in a no win situation
This government is more hard nosed than the last

The only consolation is that the new Bill isnā€™t going with the momentum originally anticipated

I think prayer maybe more powerful than a petition

But I will support your idea

Success is not how many times you fall down but how many times you get up

Thanks A A. There are 2.8m landlord in the UK. Even with 1% support in the shape of a march to No 10 should get them worried.

The problem is there are more tenants than landlords.
The demographic in this government is that young MPs are renters not homeowners so they are protecting their own interests ( David Smith was at the labour conference and said the landscape has changed ).
They want home security.
Gone are the days of yesteryear when we rented a hovel, saved like mad to get our deposit and buy a house and then worked like a dog to pay off our mortgage.
I didnā€™t take a holiday until after my mortgage was paid off.
I did locums in the holidays and weekends and nights to pay the mortgage off faster
Todayā€™s generation want Harrods luxury at Primark prices.
They are entitled and donā€™t realise how much stuff costs.

The MPs that rent in government are more in number than before ( itā€™s not like the Conservatives) thus they have more voices and yield influence .
Rachel Reeves abstained from the last vote regarding the new bill.

An elderly neighbour said to me in her day there wasnā€™t much selection you only bought what you needed
Now everybody wants insta everything and they want to live like the housewives of ā€¦ā€¦
They want fame , more money and they want it yesterday

The time old adage of make in haste repent at leisure has no meaning anymore
Money earner in haste will never be valued
Look at the number of celebrities whoā€™ve lost their millions

Beggars are choosers

This generation write with pictures and donā€™t understand grammar

I sound like Victor Meldrew


One of my favourite programs . Victor was a great character

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