6 month break clause wording is it 6 or 8 months?

We are just about to sign a contract on a place but requested a 6-month break clause. Initially they sent through the contract and had managed to miss it off, having now asked a second time they have sent over the updated contract.

The wording just states:
“1. Term of Tenancy
The Landlord lets to the Tenant the Premises for a period of 12 months with a 6 month break clause. The Tenancy shall start on and include 14th August 2020 and shall end on and include 13th August 2021.”

Elsewhere in the agreement its stated that we have to give a two-month notice period:
23.1 To forward any notice order, or proposal, affecting the Premises or its boundaries, to the Landlord, or his Agent, within a reasonable time of receipt of any notice, order, or proposal. Two months notice is to be given on the anniversary of the rental payment date. This can only be accepted two months before the end of the lease, or then after if this Agreement continues to roll month by month.”

So my question is, does this mean we could give notice at month 4 - meaning the total term would be 6 months, or is it give notice at month 6, total term being 8 months? We are landlords ourselves, and the wording in our agreement with our tenants is so much clearer! We don’t have plans to move out early, but with the current situation we don’t want to find ourselves tied in if our tenants chose to vacate (we’d return back to our own home).