Accidentally broke washing machine's door handle - do I tell the landlord before getting it repaired?

Hi, I accidentally broke the washing machine’s door handle (tried opening the washing machine after it locked). If I get it repaired at my own expense, do I still have to inform the landlord of the accident and the repair or can I go ahead and hire a firm to repair it without notifying them? Thanks

Just do it If my tenant had such a repair done , I would be happy

Inform the a landlord as a courtesy
We always ask our tenants to keep us updated

He may use someone in particular so you may get a better price

Thanks, I have emailed my estate agency :slight_smile:

If I were the landlord I would be very reassured to realise that I had such a responsible and honest tenant.

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Tell the landlord and offer to get the repair sorted yourself. Get your own quotes for repair in case landlord insists that you use a specific person/firm (I don’t believe a landlord can) and their quote is expensive.