Agency agreement

Last April I signed a 2year agency contract and they got me tenants and everything was going well until the tenant had a issues
I wanted the tenants to leave via the sect 21 but the agency have said I would owe them the balance of their fee !
This seems totally unfair you get had by a tenant and a double whammy by the agency!

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it will be in their contract, they collect the rent for you?

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I agree they collect for me but I want tenants out and tbh the agency have took their eye off the ball!

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Next time get agent to find tenant only and collect rent yourself


Tbh , I don’t have the time as have a long term illness and with work etc , I am thinking of just chucking it all in and I worked out I would pay approximately 35-50k in tax every year if I sold one one a year

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always good to know when to get out of a business if not profitable or not enjoying it . I sold toys ,hardware ,books, household gear , garden stuff etc for 10 years , made good money But I was not loving it . So rented out my shop , became a landlord bought other places, always a builder . Now thinking , time to start selling

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I’d also suggest next time reading the contract thoroughly… or even just asking the agents what happens if I want the tenant to leave.


I read the contract and have been a LL for 35 years and my question should have been is it fair you sign a ast with tenant and for example they are a pain so you give notice but still hit by the agency so effectively a tenant if ok being on a min 2year ast


not fair ,like a lot of things in life


You read the contract and then signed it. What’s fair it’s that you abide by its terms.

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