Bank statements proof of earnings references

My prospective tenant is currently completing his information for referencing but when it’s come to supplying his prof of earnings via his bank, he’s said his bank don’t support open banking. Is there any way round this? He said he will supply me with 3 months bank statements but I would rather it’s done via the referencing.

Any advice please?

Sounds trouble tbh , I would find a easier tenant!

Its not essential to have open banking to complete the referencing. Just let the referencing company know.

Absolutely no reason why anyone should agree to open banking. I’m a LL and I wouldn’t. The offer of the last 3 months’ continuous statements is a fair offer. I normally ask for the last 6 months worth.


I’ve been a tenant for 6 years. This is the first time I’ve had to do a referencing. It is atrocious.
Firstly they ask for an income referee which is ridiculous as I’ve been self employed for years. Who can referee me? Am I the only self-employed person in the UK?
Secondly the form doesn’t recognise Metro bank where I have my business account. So what now? I have my tax returns for 5 years. I have income statements and bank statements. Why are these not able to be uploaded onto the form seeing as there’s no other options available to me?

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Do you have accounts prepared by an accountant?

Nope. I’m a self-employed Carpenter/Fitter/Handyman and do a self assessment return every year. I keep my own books.

I was s/e as a joiner for 50 years used an accountant for about 45 years. Just better to eventually get a mortgage I am also a landlord and certified accounts to me would be a big plus

Download 5 years worth of SA302s and submit them. They will verify what you’ve declared to HMRC.

I still think it’s ridiculous as I have 5 years of impeccable rental references from 3 successive Landlords.
I would also happily submit my HMRC SA302 tax return forms, but to whom?
My point is the Openrent Referencing application doesn’t provide for documents to be uploaded.
I’d really like someone from Openrent to respond and explain how to do this as I can’t find out how?

if a landlord does reference on your income can they be uploaded then?

Hi Colin, don’t really understand your question. My new prospective Landlady uses Openrent referencing. Openrent referencing have no facility to upload any documents. That is the problem. Openrent referencing is not designed for a huge percentage of the British working public who are self-employed. It fails. It needs to be reviewed and revised.

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When open rent open up tomorrow they hopefully will answer you… Can you load your documents to them and they pass them on ?

If you say about your rental references, going back 5 years (and will be ready to show them), any reasonable LL will count it as a big plus. Because of difficulties like this (and others), we always do referencing ourselves, and do it faster.

Sent all my tax docs directly to the Landlady :man_shrugging:t3:
Because my bank wouldn’t participate in the open banking process, my referencing was “failed”. Welcome to my self-employed world :laughing:

that is tough , so you do not get paper bank statements?

I’m able to get any documents or statements I need from various sources - bank App; HMRC website etc. Problem is you can’t upload them into the referencing form.

As Tim_Ira says, this would go far more smoothly if you could deal with the LL directly. The majority of my tenants are either international, self-employed or both. I do my own thorough referencing, much more quickly than any service offered by OR or others and have yet to have a problem.

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