I know this topic is probably not what you’re familiar with or have experience. However, I thought to ask~~ just I’n case there are any landlords who are in similar situation being disabled and claim benefits themselves.
My situation is; I own and want to rent out my one bed leasehold property.
I plan to live in another property, which will be my main residence.
I don’t want to sell my apartment!
I recently became severely disabled by Covid - meaning I can no longer work my Specialist Role. Forced now to claim disability benefits and receive care.
I wanted to know — are you able to be a landlord and claim benefits?
I know I can continue to claim PIP, as this is non means tested
But what about ESA Etc
How does me privately renting my flat out impact everything.
I have vasculitis and RA and claim pip , I believe it’s the only non means tested benefit,tbh I had to be virtually dieing to get this and it took 2 attempts and it was only because a women was a ex nurse knew what I had because no one heard of it.
I think from memory only 40% get awarded pip
I totally understand the difficulty with claiming benefits. I feel you’re suffering!
I now suffer with a rare illness called MCAS. I have various other chronic conditions inc heart, fibro, ME/CFS and more - all as a result from Covid.
I’m now unable to eat, is allergic to everything including the sun. Sofa | bedbound, wheelchair reliant some days. And need care. I’m was young, fit and healthy pre covid last year.
I was a NHS Specialist, but since catching Covid I’ve lost everything!
I claim all I can now, but can’t afford to lose my esa.
Is there no way we can claim anything else? UC , if not ESA?!
I don’t know how the government takes my property into consideration, when the return I could get is very little. I mean, forgive me for my lack of knowledge- but after paying for all your expenses on the property - how much would I expect to get in rent? On average?
Any income from the propeety yiu are renting out will be classed as income by UC so they will pay you accordingly
May be worth trying a benefits calculator (turn 2 us is a good one) they also ask you about any savings or capital you have any oroperties you own but do not live in and wether you are receiving any incime from said properties
They WILL want to know your current bank balance and your other benefits you claim wether means tested or not
I would at least half it, if not 2/3 with all taxes, renovations, admin and travel expenses and certificates required by law. And don’t forget an eviction now and then. In bad T case you will actully be losing money. To start with, you won’t be making any money but rather spending it with all certificates and checks. We will have to pay about £400 for EICR now and fixing all “dangerous” things which we could have done ourselves in less then half an hour (but not allowed to now because we’re "not qualified electrical engineers). Plus, gas safety every year. And what about selective licensing? You don’t have it yet? Never say never.
Oh, forgot that you won’t be able to do post-T cleaning, so need to factor professional cleaning costs. Of course, replacing all white goods when needed.
you can find a good electrician cheaper than that. I always check the elec fittings before an inspection, any damage I replace them myself. I use a great electrician . I am there at the inspction anything needed I go out for it . Just had a house in 3 flats done with a pass on all at £100 per flat . all checked in about 5 hours Brilliant . In fact I rewired the entire place abot 25 years ago so knew all the requirements for earthing etc
i do not …know much about the benefit rules. I have never had to claim However if a person has 100k in the bank he will get no benefits ? so if you have a “spare” 100k property should you get benefits?
It is indeed a backwards system. It encourages people to stay on benefits. Current PM is trying to change that, but I don’t think he will achieve much.
I’d not claimed until I became disabled by Covid last year.
I understand that if you have savings over a set amount, you are not entitled to benefits. It’s just they are going off my value of my flat and not the income amount that it may bring in, which I know will not be the full rental price ie £425 per month. I’d have to deduct outgoings etc and tax from that surely.
I don’t know. It’s all a line field. I wouldn’t be in this position if I hadn’t been unwell.
In relation to the benefits system. It serves it purpose and I’m immensely grateful, as I’m now unable to work due to my disabilities. However, it also isn’t a fair system and now because I need to let my flat out, to receive care elsewhere. I’m going to be penalised.
Whilst you have people out there that are scamming the system for every dime they can get.
It certainly is a backwards system.but yes unfortunately they seem to peanalise you for it last time i checked there was something about for every £500 over £10 000 you have its classed as £1 earnings and your benefit is deducted accordingly also some other benefits affect how much you get I currently get Carers Allowance so the £300 per month (equivalent to £2ph) is taken iff my UC when I get it