Company let supported living

Hi everyone,

I’ve been approached by a local care company regarding my listing, and they’re interested in arranging a company let agreement. They provide supported living services and claim to have a contract with the local authority.

I’ve only ever rented to private tenants before and have no experience with company let agreements.

Could anyone share advice or insights based on similar experiences? Are there any potential risks or things I should watch out for?

Thanks in advance!

do not do it. You have no control over the hard to let people they will put in . YOU will get no support from your local council if it goes wrong

Search for rent to rent problems on google before considering this.

A lot of these companies were set up yesterday
David Smith has a lecture course on this so you can educate yourself as to why you should not be doing it

Thanks everyone for your comments. I think I will stay away from it.

Hi landlord this Bakary am interested to 2bedroom flat