Council Landlord Schemes

What are other Landlords experiences of letting property through council Landlord Schemes?

DO not do it councils will try to get rid of the worst on their books, they will offer all sorts of incentives and support . But once you have signed up you WILL be on your own. Not speaking from experience but from others experiences. You cannot trust the local councils


I imagine them as a estate agency with potentially problem tenants in their books! Imagine issuing a S21 for your tenant because of the problems you are facing. If they cannot find any place, where they will get help from! Hmmmm! Let me think… Council…


You would have all the problems of rent to rent coupled with the tenants that are by definition unable to get a tenancy on their own.


I wonder how many landlords are considering taking up the serco offer of a 5 year contract to house a (channel) migrant, with rent, council tax and utilities paid? I imagine once the contract ends the landlord will be own their own trying to evict a non paying tenant who refuses to leave and without the benefit of S21.

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Never in a million years would I even consider it!


I would consider it, if they guaranteed to return the property in its original condition, and they took over all my properties with guaranteed rent and council tax paid, occupied or vacant.

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you mean Chris you trust the local authorities not to leave you high and dry?

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I would expect a legally binding contract, which they cannot wheedle their way out of. Then you’d have more chance of recompense, than even a private working tenant that wants to rub your nose in it. That’s a contract with the council, not the tenant.

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You are a braver man than me !

As the great Oddball once said, “have a little faith baby”, and a bl…dy good contract…


I didn’t mean where you basically hand the house to them and they pay you rent themselves. I mean where they provide the AST, tenant check, house checks and ensure all is legal, but the Tenancy Agreement is between me and the tenant.

It has worked very well for many years, but this time they have put a tenant in who has got behind on rent and they are not backing me up.

one of my favourite films esp. where they stride up to the german tank and he has his gun in the open holster , against a tank !

Never in a month of Sundays would I enter into that arrangement.

Once the council have offloaded their problem tenant, you can be 100% certain you will be on your own to deal with all the problems.

You’ve just been exceptionally lucky, up till now.

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not backing you up ? no surprises there

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It’s a classic for sure, has me in stitches every time.

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The mistake you made was in thinking that because the Council are providing all the initial documents and advice, that they are acting for you or somehow responsible to you. They’re not. Their legal duty is to act for the tenant and if that means stitching up a landlord with a tenant who they know has a chequered history then so be it.


Surprise surprise. I have never had a council tenant but from reading on this chat group, they are not to be considered under any circumstances.

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Don’t do it. Our first council supplied tenant was an expensive “learning curve”.

Do your own adverts and checks, meet the potential tenants and try to see their existing homes if possible (I try to pick up application forms from the potential tenants current address).

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Don’t do it. !!! Councils will tell you anything to get you to take the tenants even they don’t want the grief from.
And when it goes pear shaped and it will the council will retreat so far they will disappear up there own a***s

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