Hi, my talent is moving out this Saturday but has asked for an extension for three days. Are there any legal ramifications for this? Thanks.
It depends. Did you serve notice on the tenant? If so, then there are no implications as your notice doesn’t end their tenancy. If the tenant served a valid notice, then their tenancy will end on its expiry and if you allow tenants to stay past the end of the notice period, then a new, unwritten periodic tenancy would begin. This could be very bad for a landlord, but I have allowed it where I completely trusted the tenant. I would suggest you only agree verbally and put nothing in writing.
Thanks. I don’t trust her sadly
So you would ring her rather than text? She handed in notice as she can no longer afford it.
She says she needs the extra three days to get the cleaning and tidying sorted and will pay for the three extra days.
In which case, I would decline to extend her period of occupation and make clear that its because she would technically be a trespasser and your insurance wouldn’t cover the situation.
Thanks, I just messaged her.