Giving up a Council Tenancy. Advice needed

I have a question about my liabilities to my landlord (council). Some 48 years ago, my wife and I did a council-approved house exchange. One of the conditions of the exchange was that we took responsibility for any problems or damage that the outgoing tenants would have normally been liable for. There was no inspection carried out and the place was quite literally a drum.There was a spring mattress and a motor-bike chassis buried in the back garden, amongst other things, and the place was generally filthy. Anyway we took the house and after a lot of hard work had the place looking ship shape and Bristol fashion.
We are now in the process of leaving, having taken tenancy of private let in a more salubrious part of the country. My council landlords here, have sent me a long list of the things I should do before give up my tenancy. A couple od things that will be a problem are lifting carpets at my age (88) and climbing into the loft space. Can I be forced to do things like this? The carpets are good quality and clean.We have no relatives in the vicinity who could help and we are leaving the house otherwise spotless. Any advice welcome. By the way, I don’t recall the house being inspected in the 48 years we have been here. Thanks in advance.

I don’t know how you stand legally but they can’t make you do something you cannot physically do.

The state of the properties Council’s hand out is appalling, as you have experience of.

Would Shelter be able to advise you?

Take photos of every room.

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I think the Council are saying it has to be done, not that you have to do it. If you cant persuade the Council to allow you to leave these things, then you will have to pay someone to do it for you. Ask Age UK if they have a local list of recommended handymen.

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