Guarantor service

Hi there, me my partner and our two children have started looking at private rental houses again after about 10 years. The market has changed drastically I know that, I’m just looking for some advice, my partner works full time and has a salary of 26,000. I get benefits as I am disabled - I can not even walk. A lot of landlords ask for a guarantor as we’re classed as low income, we both don’t have anyone we could use as a guarantor but have always paid bills and rent on time and have a good credit. No CCJS etc.
I was wondering if landlords would accept guarantor services instead of a relative guarantor for their peace of mind?
They would pay rent or for any damages if anything like that was to occur and we pay a fee towards the guarantor services.
I would appreciate any help on this please :pray:

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Hi Amanda, I’m a landlord but I’ve never asked for a guarantor as long as the tenants pass referencing. I’m also interested in hearing from anyone who has had experience of these schemes.

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