How do i Reduce rent in Openrent Rent Collection

Due to Coronavirus, I have agreed with my tenants a permanent rent reduction going forward.

I can afford to take the drop in order to help in these hard times and also ensure I retain these very good young tenants.

Openrent are collecting the rent for me on this property, but I cannot find a way to reduce the rent within the system. I have paused rent collection for the moment because my tenants have received a reminder that they are in arrears. But due to the agreed reduction they are up to date.

Is there any way I can reduce the rent expected by the system by £100 per month?

You can’t reduce the rent because it is part of your agreement, without re-issuing a new agreement.
Go to your dashboard and you will find a button to stop reminders going out so the tenant. Open Rent maintains a register of the difference between payments recieved and due under the contract