I want to rent a houses for long term

Hi evryoane I am a single parent with 4 children
In a short period of time I must to find a new house for me and my children
All the houses rent are so expenciv
Plus depozit
Can any one help me to find rent
Ps I am working part time plus dss

Where abouts and what sort of size rent were you thinking about as until you know your area it will determine what you can get for your money .
Do you have references and/or guarantor or a previous landlord ref and regular rent payments .If you have had arrears or any evictions that will go into the mix !


I will like to rent in Lewisham,grove park,Bromley catford,Downham Way,se6 , Br1
I don’t have guaranteed
I did pay my rent on timp

No I dont have any reference
No garantor
What should I do in this situation
I need urgently house for me and my 4 children
My landlord all ready send me a notis to live this propriety
Iam loking for
Lewisham ,catford
Grove park
Some were in this area
SE off London

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