ICO Registration - Private Landlord Public Address - Ho hum

So in an ironic twist of fate - registering with the ICO as a private landlord with my home address as organization address, appears to expose my name and address to the entire world. - somewhat obvious with hindsight but still.

Should I just get a PO box or something to ensure my own privacy? What do others do?

Yes, it is ironic. I certainly do not have PO box. You’ll be on the rental property & Landlord register soon as well, so you’ll hardly be able to avoid being in the public eye.

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I’m signing up at UKPostBox now - hope I’m quick enough before my details are spread everywhere…

Thanks - I got a PAYG UK Postbox -

I’ve since found out via live chat ICO can withhold an address by emailing dataprotectionfee@ico.org.uk

So Once that’s done I’ll cancel the postbox.