Landlord access

Hi all looking for help and advice. Section 8 expired 12/11.
I went out at 9.15am 13/11 came back home around 11am to find my locks had been changed. After lots of calls to council etc finally received new keys at 3pm
On entering house discovered my dogs had been put out into the back yard with their blanket thrown out too. They had been out for at least 5 hours.
Went upstairs to find my bedroom window restrictor had been snapped off and a muddy footprint on inside window cill and also on drawers in front of window.
Became obvious that this was how the landlord had gained entry.
The police won’t help saying it’s a civil matter. Surely it’s a criminal matter. Please help

where did you get the new keys from?

The landlord was made by the council to meet me at the property with them

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The council may take action against the landlord

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The police or others may say illegal eviction is a civil matter. But it’s a criminal offence for a landlord to evict you without taking the right legal steps.

That said, it would have to be proved that this was the Landlords intention, and given that you now have keys, this might not be possible.

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I doubt the Council will take action in this instance as the landlord has now given you a key. If you are concerned change the lock but keep the old one so that you can change it back.

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S.8 expired on 12 November.
Are you saying everything is ok that you have paid the rent arrears and landlord is happy for you to continue enjoying your home?
Or are you waiting for the landlord to action further?


i am far from happy at the fact they changed the locks and entered through a bedroom window . i am waiting for landlord to commence legal proceedings to allow me to file my defence .

Why were you served notice ?
Why have you not moved ?


yes served section 8, law states a tenant does not legally have to leave the property on or after the expiration date of said notice. Possession can only take place following correct legal procedures. On the date of at attempted illegal eviction, change of locks and breaking and entry into the property no papers or documents had been filed with county court

Why were you served notice?


Glad you are not my tenant. Section 8 means you have broken your contract and now poor old landlord is at his wits end trying to get his property back, while you take advantage of our slow clogged up legal system.


it doesn’t matter why it was served, my initial question was surrounding the illegal eviction for which i have full support from the local council

your reply is of no relevance whatsoever to my initial request for advice. This is a forum for tenants seeking advice and offering advice not for members to humiliate and shame.

Your replies tell us what you do not want to reveal .A landlord will not want a GOOD tenant to leave.


:slight_smile: Thanks for your knowledgeable advice i’m sure to sleep soundly tonight

S8 is usually served for something other than good behaviour
? Rent arrears ? ASBO

Thanks to all
The landlords who helped the suffering of another ???


It does not mean they ‘have’ broken their contract, it means they are ‘alleged’ to have broken their contract. Lets not find the tenant guilty without evidence. That is the courts job.

The tenant may have done everything right, and might be a GOOD tenant & this Landlord may be a rogue Landlord, with their own unrelated plans for the property. They certainly do not sound like a professional Landlord if they have climbed through a window & changed locks!


This was a section 8 notice not a section 21 notice

Who knows if this is a set up against the landlord ?

I’ve had tenants play games to try and frame me


Have you paid the rent arrears? If you have not paid, you feel the landlord should not have changed the locks, is that your defence?
I totally understand that is illegal behaviour.
As you know, the laws are there to protect the tenants, whether they pay rent or not or any issues of breach of tenancy they may have committed.
How do you feel? Do you feel that you did everything right and landlord should not have changed the lock, as the law is on your side? He had no cause for it at all. I agree with you. Even though my tenants did not pay rent for 10 months and court order received. However, they felt they were right and I should just walk away from the house and never come back to it, as it was their house. So it was quite a shock when 5 police and bailiff arrived after another 2 months later.