Letters From a Debt Collection Agency

Hi, I let out a house I’ve owned for over 3 years, and am on my second tenancy through openrent. Since my first tenants left in October 2024, I’m getting debt collection agency letters to an unknown name at the address. I opened one up and they refer to toll road charges incurred in Hungary in April 2023, so I contacted my previous tenants to ask if they knew anything, and they said they were simply returning the letters to sender. I also checked the car registration with DVLA to find its been without Tax and MOT for over a year (so maybe the car and owner are still abroad).

I’m not sure if I should I ignore this and continue returning the letters? Should I get in touch with DVLA to let them know this person was not at the address at that time?

I’m concerned that credit checks against my current tenants will suffer with this debt attributed to the address… or worse still that bailiffs might turn up at the property.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Credit/debt is linked to individual not address.

Previously I have contacted debt agencies where they kept sending persistent letters where tenant had left (which were all returned to sender. )

We moved into a property in April and ever since have been getting letters from numerous agencies for the previous tenants I opened the letter and telephoned the company (quite a well k own one beginning with L) explained that that person no longer risided at that address since (the date we moved in) and that I could if necessary show them a copy of my TA to prove it and could they ammend their records accordingly they apologised for the letters asked if i knew a forwarding addresses which i didnt and said they would stop them which they have just call them if your concerned