Lodger's rights


I have a Lodger’s contract at the flat I’ve now been renting for 6 months. There has been a leak a few months ago which was at first repaired badly and now permanently but it has left a damp patch, with paint crumbling right above the bed, which is toxic. Also, a car drove into the flat a few weeks ago effectively cracking the wall in multiple places and badly damaging the kitchen and it looks like repairs will take at least 4 weeks, during which I’ll have to find alternative accomodation. Flat is still okay to live in, appliances, heating and electricity still work but am still paying full rent and bills. Apparently the dump patch will be fixed at the same time as the kitchen but who knows when that’s going to be since arranging repairs with the insurance company and suppliers will take weeks if not months.
What will I be entitled to when the wall and kitchen will need to be repaired and I’ll need to move out? Am I entitled to anything right now even though I still use the flat almost normally?


You say you have a lodgers contract… is it definitely a lodgers contract or a rental agreement? Do you live in this property alone?

I also doubt you’d find a bit of peeling paint to be toxic, but if you are concerned it would be easy for you to rub it down to stop any bits falling on you.

Thanks Karl,

It’s definitely a lodger’s contract.

The peeling paint is the result of dump caused by a leak from upstairs and the resulting mould is indeed toxic. I do ventilate as much as possible as well as hoovering the peeling paint off regularly.

Does your landlord live in the same property?