Noise Disclosure during sale

Can anyone confirm if seller of property (landlord) has to disclose to buyer if tenant has reported noise or anti social behaviour issues from neighbour to council? What if the issues are resolved? I am looking purely from a legal perspective.

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Just picked this up off Quittance Legal Services.
You may be tempted not to mention the noisy neighbours to prospecting buyers, hoping that the neighbours are quiet during potential buyer viewings. However, failing to disclose noise problems could mean the new owner taking legal action , against you.


i suppose it all comes down to what can be proven. Noise is also subjective.

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If its been reported to the Council, it can be proven.


Incidentally nothing has yet to be reported to council, Its early days and i expect to be able to resolve without council, but it prompted the question for obvious reasons. A tenant could report without landlords knowledge.

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They are supposed to advise.
I bought a place last year and the owner didn’t tell me.
Legally he should have as there were many reports of noise made from multiple residents.

Would be quite costly to take to court though.

Yes, he should have told you as his answers form part of the Contract for Sale. But are solicitors not meant to check these things too?

In every block of flats there is always noise that someone finds an issue so surely its buyer beware . In the case of a next door neighbour it would be a case of shooting yourself in the foot if you reported a noisy neignbour if you had any plans to sell it .
If the tenant has done it and you have been copied into the correspondence then you are stuck with ticking yes on the disclosure form if you are superhonest although from my experience everyone puts ’ not to my knowlede ’ as the answer to all those disclosure questions .